Karen Lellouche Tordjman

Customer experience pro
Karen Lellouche Tordjman is a managing director and partner at BCG.

Why you should listen

Karen Lellouche Tordjman is a global leader on customer experience and a BHI fellow on the future of customer interactions. She works with clients to reinvent their customer experience and define which channels will be critical in the future. She has published several research papers on the evolution of online and offline channels and the emergence of alternative interaction channels, such as gaming and smart assistants. Beyond customer experiences, she focuses on the second-order effects of these evolutions, such as the changing roles of humans within customer experience, emerging business models and ecosystems that thrive on technological and societal changes, and the cultural impacts of new channels. She graduated from HEC Paris Business School.

Karen Lellouche Tordjman’s TED talk

More news and ideas from Karen Lellouche Tordjman


Recalibrate: The talks of TED@BCG 2021

October 7, 2021

As the world opens up and we move out of crisis mode, the most important lesson might be that change and disruption will continue to happen frequently and dramatically. So the question becomes: How can we adapt? In a day of talks and performances, a range of speakers explore how to harness creativity and imagination […]

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