For the last 30 years, Dexter Dias has fought for the right of the families of people of color who have been killed in state custody to know how and why their loved ones have died.
Why you should listen
Dexter Dias' TEDx talk is based on his book The Ten Types of Human, in which he uses his experience as an award-winning human rights lawyer and his research while at Cambridge and Harvard to challenge harmful practices including racial oppression and discrimination. He has appeared in some of the most high-profile cases involving murder, genocide, terrorism and freedom of expression and works internationally to protect vulnerable women and children, being chief author of the seminal report to the UK Parliament that helped change the law on Female Genital Mutilation to better protect at-risk girls.He practices as Queen’s Counsel in London and is Visiting Researcher at Cambridge University (and previously Harvard). He explores the effects of all forms of racism, and how we can fight it, in his new podcast series The 100 Types of Human, which he co-hosts with BBC presenter Nihal Arthanayake. (Photo: Nicola Bensley)