x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
June 21, 2010
1:00pm - 1:00pm AWST
(UTC +8hrs)

- WATCH (inspiring, interesting and incredible live speakers)
- DISCUSS (conversations based around ideas brought up in the videos)
- SHARE (ideas, inspiration, creativity and food)
...- LEARN (by meeting like-minded Perthians and connecting with amazing ideas)

What is TEDxPerth?
TEDxPerth is a free monthly non-profit event in Perth, which is fast becoming Perth’s premier ideas-sharing event for young people. We are striving to build a more aware, inspired and active young population in Perth who are passionate about effecting positive change. Each month at Scitech we showcase inspirational videos from the institute named TED (, host guest speakers sharing amazing local ideas, host representative speakers from local non-profit organisations, facilitate open discussions, share food and chat together. What we really hope to achieve are the following main things:
• to get young people thinking about what's really important,
• to provide a socialising and networking opportunity,
• to promote local non-profit volunteer opportunities in Perth, and
• to have fun along the way.

Scitech Discovery Centre
Sutherland Street, City West
See more ­T­E­Dx­Perth events

Organizing team

