Physical territories and territories of the mind, impassable boundaries and outposts for new exploration, latitudes and depths, distances to reach and destinations to discover, scenes of extraordinary complexity and achievements of common sense.
TEDxLakeComo will involve personalities in different fields of science, technology and social life who have elaborated or developed ideas or experiences that deserve to be communicated and disseminated.
Organizing team
François de Brabant
co-organizer -
Teresa Saibene
Mareketing & Organization -
Michela Catenacci
Marketing & Organization -
Ornella Pizzagalli
Logistic -
Alessandro Desiderio
Media Content Manager -
Barbara Butti
Photographer -
Sara Munaretto
Social Network Management -
Giovanna Baderna
Graphic Design -
Michele Giannella
Translation and Subtitles Coordinator -
Federica Camperi
Catering -
Babotel Srl
Web Design and Webmaster -
Marco Schenoni
Video recording and post-production -
Giacomo Inches
Social Network Management