This TEDxNorrköpingLive event consists of TED2013 simulcasted from TED2013, Long Beach, CA.
17:30 Session 4, Disrupt!:
Alastair Parvin, Designer
Danny Hillis, Computer theorist
Sanjay Dastoor; Roboticist
BLACK, Yo-yo champion
Lesley Perkes, Public art instigator
Sergey Brin, Co-founder
Amanda Palmer, Musician, blogger
Larry Lessig, Legal activist
Break with food, refreshments and discussions.
20:00. Session 5, Dream!:
Rich + Tone Talauega, Creative directors, choreographers
Elon Musk, Serial entrepreneur
Mary Lou Jepsen, Screen engineer
Taylor Wilson, Nuclear scientist
Ji-Hae Park, Violinist
Stewart Brand, Environmentalist, futurist
After-TEDx with more food, refreshments and discussions.
More about TED2013: