Ours is a time of reflection, a time of wonder. From wondering is where new ideas emerge and fresh insights can be born.
Each and every day we have an almost endless amount of experiences. And every single minute of our lives, we have the power to instantly decide on starting new actions and taking new directions. But what if we would take a moment to be truly silent, to focus on something small and discover the even smaller parts of that particular something? What if we took a moment to wonder?
Organizing team
Marieke Beekers
Founder, Coordinator Sponsor Group and Coordinator TEDxBreda Award -
Barbara Van den Boogaard
Founder and Coordinator Speakers Group -
Marianne Bego
Founder and Coordinator Event Group -
Marieke Drost
Coordinator Communications Group -
Moniek Van der Velden
Finance and Control -
Tirza De Jong
Press contacts -
Martijn Rijk
Coordinator Digital & Social