When discussing environmental and social injustices we often end up with a a slight feeling of despair when realizing how overwhelming the challenges really are. This can make us hesitant and turn a blind eye towards the problems rather than try solving them.
In order to find the solutions for tomorrow we must embrace the difficulties as well as highlight the opportunities that they actual pose today. We may be the first generation to reverse environmental degradation, the first to end hunger and poverty, the first to reverse CO2 emissions in over 250 years and may be able to do it while becoming better of than we have ever been before.
That is what this event is all about; by letting people from different backgrounds and worldviews, talk about how they believe some of the challenges that faces us can be met and how they are actually solving them in their daily work.
Hopefully it will give us the inspiration and courage needed to face the challenges ourself in our own life. We have a great setup of speakers and we are looking very much forward listening to what they have to say. Join the discussion on Facebook, and we’ll see you TEDside!
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.