Padjadjaran University
x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Flavors of Wisdom

This event occurred on
July 6, 2024
Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat

As the youth in a disruptive era, Generation Z in Indonesia shoulders a big responsibility in successfully transforming Indonesia into a developed nation to Indonesia Emas in 2045. The population growth is speculated to reach a point where Indonesia will enter a demographic bonus phase with a productive age group. It is one of the greatest opportunity the nation has ever seen to escape the third world, and Gen Z are expected to execute it’s success.

But this opportunity comes with its threat, the era of disruption comes with as much trouble as its benefits. The monopoly of information has become clearer than ever. The world elite has found their comfort zone with Indonesia at the bottom of the food chain. We are not getting anywhere near the Golden Indonesia if we are not fighting their work to dull our minds. Therefore, Gen Z must start as soon as possible, far before entering the workforce to protect our minds from the bombardment of false, misleading, and biased nformation.

This situation poses a big question in TEDx Padjadjaran University, “How can we execute Indonesia Emas 2045 amidst uncertainty in the disruptive era?”

The youth must realize that Indonesia today is a product of more than 300 years of colonialism and epochs of civilization. Our 79 years of independence has not even reach one- third the time our ancestors went under colonialism and imperialism. This part of Indonesia was a form of re-socialization where we were given a new identity as an inferior nation.

We have been long detached from who we are, our true identity of a once great nation, recorded as explorers in ancient manuscript throughout the globe. But we have finally reached independence. A long physical and mental war to reach freedom from colonialism won through a mix of blood, sweat, tears, and knowledge. Our founding fathers are mostly not the strongest men or women in battle, but are the educated.

As history repeats itself, we believe that the key to unlock Indonesia Emas and to win the intangible occupation of the mind will be through knowledge and it’s applied form: wisdom.

Wisdom is the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment. It is also defined as the body of knowledge and principles that develops within a specified society or period. Through the colonial epoch, our ancestor holds on tight to tradition, culture, and art, which are forms of communicating knowledge, forms of wisdom. Unlike the west which heavily relies on materialistic mindset to process and share knowledge, our blood possesses the power to acquire knowledge intangibly, relying more in our senses and intuition.

Although most part of our history was ripped away from us, we could still find it through the arts of our ancestor. Their wisdom lies in the intangible manuscript no one can take away from us: our songs, our legends, our prayers, and the most visible one, our food and recipes.

Food is a big part of our daily life, and our ancestors as well. But food is also a big part of our culture. Food has always been a medium of art, it is heavily related to symbols/ symbolism, and symbolism is a representation of ideas. It is a way to make knowledge much more understandable and relatable. Our ancestors barely used measurement and rely heavily on their senses, what they feel, making food a vessel of knowledge, stories, experience, and expression.

We found that one of the closest things to our survival, is directly a form of applied wisdom. To understand better how to protect our mind, to acquire knowledge in true Indonesian fashion, TEDx Padjadjaran University 2024 will transport you to a place where knowledge can be tasted and discovered through the Flavors of Wisdom.

This year, TEDx Padjadajran University will bring a playground of ideas that collaborates the concept of gastronomy and wisdom as a way of understanding our wise-true self.

The theme “Flavors of Wisdom” explores the substantial association between food and knowledge in the journey of discovering wisdom. We bring forward the potential of food as a metaphor for wisdom, flavors as truths/knowledge, and dining as a collective discovery experience. Through uncovering stories behind Indonesian cuisines, we ought to inspire our participants towards finding their own authentic, wise-true self in the pursue of wisdom.

We will be giving the chance to 100 Wisdom Wonderers. A name we give for 100 strongest willed Gen Z in our community, to have a taste of discovering their authentic wisdom, alongside the opportunity to exchange ideas with future leaders alike on how to win the meta battle to Indonesia Emas 2045 through our event.

So have a taste of discovering wisdom with us. Ask big questions and encounter bigger questions ahead.

“For the larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.”

De Majestic
Jl. Braga No.1, Braga, Kec. Sumur Bandung
Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, 40111
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Organizing team

Rizkita Grafisanda

South Jakarta, Indonesia


South Tangerang, Indonesia