Since the beginning of time societies and their members have adopted ways that become engraved in their systems to the point that they are believed to be the only possible option. The way of teaching, the way of working, the way relationships are established, the way of eating… As time passes many of these conventions outlive their lifecycle, they fail in their function and societies replace them. We can view this process as spectators or take part challenging what is established and coming up with new ways of doing things.
The TEDxMálaga organisers believe this is perfect moment to encourage change and hand voice over to the thinkers, visionaries and doers that wish to present new paths, new ideas, and new ways.
That is why RE is the theme of our first TEDxMalaga. REthink, REconsider, REboot, REvolution, REbuild, REact, REclaim in order to build a better present and future. All these ideas prefixed with RE aim to fulfill the TED movement’s mission statement:
"We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.”