x = independently organized TED event

Theme: In Between

This event occurred on
April 20, 2024
Taipei, Taipei

"In Between A and B: A Multidimensional Journey of Reflection and Exploration"

We aim to lead young speakers and audience members in transcending binary opposition labels. Rather than being confined to the extremes, we encourage venturing into the nuanced spaces in between to discover a multitude of harmonious possibilities. Through this, we hope to provide a platform for speakers to share their life journeys and innovative perspectives. By engaging in profound reflection and empathetic exploration, we can foster a deeper understanding of diverse viewpoints.

之間 In Between

Confucius 4D cinema
No.275, Dalong Street, Datong District
Taipei, Taipei, 10369
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Dalongdong events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

庭榛&恬恬 Ting Chen & Leah

魚樂織造所Murtail Lab.品牌創辦人 Founder of Murtail Lab.
庭榛受女兒恬恬想成為美人魚的影響,開發出適合亞洲人身型的運動用人魚尾。並意識到傳統製作對環境的傷害,改用回收材料製作,實踐永續發展,希望用美人魚來激勵更多人加入環保行列。她的演講題目是「從海洋開啟永續魔法」。 Inspired by her daughter's desire to become a mermaid, Ting-Chen developed a mermaid tail suitable for Asian body types. Recognizing the environmental harm of traditional production methods, she switched to using recycled materials to practice sustainability. She hopes to inspire more people to join the environmental movement through the beauty of mermaids. Her topic will be “Unlocking sustainable magic from the ocean”.

徐之宸 Niko HSU

自媒體&電商平台經營者 Self-media & operator of an E-commerce platform
Niko經營自媒體8年,從直播到短影音再到現在的電商。自媒體讓他從開始的一個人變成一群人、一個品牌。他的題目是「自媒體&電商平台經營者」。 In an 8 year’s time running self-media business, Niko has been continuously developing business diversity from live-broadcasts to e-commerce. To him, self-media gathers the power of crowds, making one person to a brand. His topic will be “Personal IP-the basic survival skill of this generation”.


理財Youtuber; Youtuber of financial management
從彰化來台北讀書的李勛大學時覺得很自卑,覺得唯有存錢可以讓他得到安全感,也成為他自信心的來源。李勛認為你不需要有遠大的夢想,一步一步來也能存到錢,不要覺得有幾百萬才是理財,對自己的每一分錢負責就是在理財。他的演講題目是「沒有夢想,也要理財」。 SHIN experienced feelings of self-inferiority while studying in Taipei. Saving money is the only thing that provides him with a sense of security and confidence. SHIN believes that being mindful of every cent you possess is the first step in financial management. His topic will be “Manage your finances even without dreams”.

椪皮仔 Katherine

椪一下、椪皮仔粉專創辦人 Founder of Facebook fan page "Componnation" and "Ponpizai"
身為理科人,椪皮仔從大學時期的實驗開始,培養假設驗證的習慣,創業後,開始每週覆盤,目前已持續兩年多的時間,把所學習到的知識跟創業、生活體驗結合,在過程中也發現,學習只是成長的基礎,行動跟覆盤才是真正的關鍵,期許能夠透過自己的力量,幫助更多的年輕人在成長的路途上走的更順遂。她的演講題目是「覆盤,成為自己的啦啦隊」。 Coming from a science background, Ponpizai developed a habit of hypothesis verification during her university years. Since establishing her own business, she has maintained a weekly habit of reflection for over two years. This routine has enriched her business acumen and life experiences. Ponpizai firmly believes that consistency in reflection and courage in taking action are the keys to paving the way for a promising future. Her topic will be “Be your own cheerleader using self-review”.

泰國娘娘 Alizabethlin

影音創作者、作家、演員 Media creator, writer, actor
泰國娘娘是一個來自泰國的胖子,一切不符合大眾審美標準的條件皆急於一身,在台灣靠影片創作者的工作維生,影片風格以發展中國家的視角講評台灣的人、事、物。他的演講題目是「我不符合大眾審美但並不會死 」。 Alizabeth is a feminine guy from Thailand with bold body shape. His appearance shakes the puclic gaze of beauty. He makes a living by being a video creator, sharing the diverse culture of Taiwan, a developing country. His topic will be “I don't fit the public beauty standards, but that's okay”.

盧宇琪 Yuki Lo

「天地之間」香港創辦人 Sky & Earth Co-founder from HK
來自香港的 Yuki 移居到台灣,以異鄉人的眼睛發現台灣的美,並分享她如何在新的地方和文化擊撞中,探索第二人生。她的演講題目是「用異鄉人的眼睛,探索台灣之美」。 Yuki, originally from Hong Kong, relocated to Taiwan, where she discovered the beauty of the island nation through the eyes of a newcomer. She shares her journey of exploring a second life amidst the collision of new places and cultures. Her topic will be “Exploring the beauty of Taiwan from the eyes of an outsider”.

翁歆媃 Melody

成功大學在學生;現任台灣學生聯合會理事長 current student of National Cheng Kung University; current Chairperson of National Students' Union of Taiwan
從外部公共參與回到內部的學生事務,她希望喚起同齡的大家對周遭議題的關心,成為改變的力量。她這次的演講題目是「改變的起點」。 Since high school, Melody has been dedicated to public affairs and currently serves as the chairperson of an NGO. Transitioning from external public engagement to internal student affairs, she hopes to awaken her peers' awareness of surrounding issues and become a force for change. Her topic will be “The starting point of ‘change’”.

艾斯特 Esther

數位遊牧民族、自由工作者 digital nomad, freelancer
Esther喜歡深入他鄉生活的旅行,每每在出發前心中都充滿不確定的問號,但她願意鼓起勇氣將其化為一次次美好的驚嘆號,相信自己、相信所有的經歷最終都會成為一個良性循環。她的演講題目是「不設限的壯遊人生」。 Esther enjoys immersive travel experiences in foreign lands. Each time before embarking, her mind is filled with uncertainties. Yet, she gathers the courage to turn them into wonderful exclamation marks, believing in herself and trusting that all experiences will ultimately form a virtuous cycle. Her topic will be “Traveling with no boundaries”.

蔣培華(芭樂) Pei Hua Chiang

Koobii鬧大學創辦人 Founder of Youtube Channel "Koobii University"
不要害怕戀愛,想成就對的事情,要先成為對的人。透過戀愛能明白人與人的界線、了解處事的方法、同時更認識自己。 他的演講題目是「年輕人,來好好談場戀愛吧!」。 Pei Hua promotes the idea of understanding oneself better can be achieved through engaging in relationships. This approach not only assist us in recognizing personal boundaries but also in resolving challenges across all aspects of life. Hiis topic will be “Young people, let's talk about LOVE”.

邱達儒 Da-Ru Chiou

Peculab遠端實習生/ 國小Python社團指導老師 Remote intern of peculab/ A teacher of an elementary school's Python club
達儒剛升上國中時不知道未來的方向,透過玩遊戲累積的經驗及學習程式語言的積累,無意間發現遊戲中的思維可以引領自己的人生方向。他的演講題目是「一場關於未來的遊戲」。 Da-Ru had a doubt about his future when he entered middle school. Through playing games and coding, he explores himself and discovers the path of his life. His topic will be “A game about the future”.

鍾昀芝 Monica Chung

作家、全職媽媽 Writer, full-time mom
4年前診斷出自閉症類群障礙症時,Monica一生的謎題都解開了,原來這是她一直與世界格格不入的原因。希望每一個在自閉症光譜上的人,都能接納並了解自己、善待自己、不要為了迎合他人而失去了自我。她的演講題目是「如何讓自閉症類群擁有快樂人生」。 Monica was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 4 years ago. This explained all the difficulties she had to live through her life. She wishes everyone on the spectrum can accept who they are, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and stay true to themselves. Her topic is “How to live happily with ASD”.

Organizing team



Ka Ming

New Taipei City, Taiwan
  • Shih Yuan Wang