Benue State University
x = independently organized TED event

Theme: JOURNEY INTO TOMORROW : I know this, " The future should expect a bright us" we are that generation.

This event occurred on
June 29, 2024
Markudi, Benue

One spectacular thing about TEDx Benue State University is that this is the first time TEDx would be happening in Benue State and we choose the The Theme JOURNEY INTO TOMORROW to depict our readiness to take up the responsibility of leading a generation to change the world.
"We are a generation that the future doesn't expect a bright future, the future should expect a bright us instead"

TEDx BSU _Journey into tomorrow.

College of Health Auditorium
BSU first campus
Markudi, Benue, 810810
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Benue ­State ­University events

Organizing team

Saanmoyol Solomon

Markudi Benue state , Nigeria