x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Beyond Binary

This event occurred on
February 25, 2023
Tay Ho, Hanoi, Ha Noi

“x = independently organized TED event”
We operate in a world shaded in black and white, dictated by right and wrong: a world of binary. TEDx: Beyond Binary seeks to explore the eccentric ideas that live in the space outside the constraints of convention. Through exposing ourselves to stories from distinctly different walks of life, we expand our horizons and gain novel perspectives.

This year’s theme is one we consider to branch even outside the constraints of the event, for it is a principle in itself. Our lives, shrouded by the limitations of conventions, bounds our artistry and ideas, and grounds our mindsets to operate idly.
As a part of TEDx, one of our event’s core values is to seek and explore, to hunt for the knowledge we’ve been restricted to unearth. Beyond Binary reiterates this very value, so come and join us as we delve into the space of innovation.

United Nations International School Hanoi B-10 Auditorium/Theatre
United Nations International School of Hanoi G9 Ciputra, Phu Thuong
Tay Ho, Hanoi, Ha Noi, 10000
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­U­N­I­S­Hanoi events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Hieu Linh Tran

Hieu Linh is currently a 10th grader attending The Olympia School in Hanoi. At school, she is in love with history, the humanities and a little bit of biology. Outside of school, she loves doing community service as well as simply helping people with small things. She is interested in education and teaching children the knowledge schools rarely provide, such as feminism, cultural appreciation, and many more. Hieu Linh aspires to be a writer one day to spread her life values and contribute to the world using her knowledge. That is also why she is using these teenage years to acquire and learn as much as possible so that she can take action someday.

Khanh Nguyen

Khanh Nguyen is currently a 15-year-old attending United Nations International School - Hanoi. Outside of school, she is an artist, music enthusiast, writer, and graphic designer for her zine publication company she collectively started with her close friends. Khanh finds herself the happiest when she’s able to be herself whether it’s through sharing her stories, creative writing or dedicating her time to art projects. When asked to describe herself, she confidently chose the word “eclectic” - as she finds herself having a variety of interests, ideas, and concepts. Khanh also frequently notices and values beauty in things, ideas, and experiences that are typically overlooked, and is always keeping an open mind to enrich her own life experiences.

Sila Anastasia Nono Womdim

Sila Anastasia Nono Womdim is currently a 15-year-old attending United Nations International School - Hanoi. She is a bright personality in the school community and finds ways to impact the activities she is involved in. She is an incredibly active learner and throws herself into projects like MUN or App development. Anastasia is a joyful person who connects easily with her peers and adults alike, fostering an inclusive and kind environment wherever she is.

Organizing team

