x = independently organized TED event

Theme: The secret of students' success.

This event occurred on
April 12, 2023
Almaty, Almaty

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Caspian University
05 0000, 85 Dostyk street. Almaty, Kazakhstan
Almaty, Almaty, 050000
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Caspian­University events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ajibola Akanni

Ajibola Akanni is an accomplished English teacher and social media influencer with a strong interest in sports and entertainment. He is currently based in Almaty, Kazakhstan and has been teaching English as a second language for the past five years. Over this time, he has developed a passion for using sports and entertainment to engage his students and improve their language skills. As a social media influencer, he is committed to connecting with fans around the world in the areas of sports, culture, education, and entertainment. Ajibola's career began with a Bachelor's degree in psychology and a Master's degree in management. He has also earned two major certifications in teaching English (TESOL and CELTA). His experience includes working with students from diverse backgrounds, including immigrants and international students. His innovative and creative teaching methods have earned him recognition from two well-known international schools in the country. When not working, Ajibola is an avid sports fan who enjoys following the latest news and events in the world of sports and entertainment. He is actively involved in local sports leagues and charity organizations, which he uses to create engaging lesson plans and activities for his students. As a social media influencer, Ajibola is passionate about using his platform to connect with sports and entertainment fans around the world. He has a large following on Instagram and TikTok, where he is known for his insightful commentary and humorous analysis of the latest news events and trends. He is committed to using social media to build communities and share information and opinions with his followers. Finally, Ajibola is dedicated to promoting social equity in education and strives to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all of his students. He is excited to continue teaching and influencing others positively through social media and is looking forward to exploring new opportunities in the field of education and beyond.

Anar Badyrlenova

Anara Badyrlenova is holding Master of Business Administration degree from Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Business, and Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from KIMEP. In various years, Anara worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers, British Embassy, World Bank Country Office, UNDP, Nazarbayev University. Currently she is a Senior Lecturer at International School of Economics at KazGUU University. She is also a Chairwoman of the National Alumni Network, an NGO which aims to support 20 072 alumni of the US State Department exchange programs. Anara is business development professional with expertise in education, marketing, sales, start-ups, leading cross- functional teams and creating new initiatives. Anara is passionate about sustainable growth, social development, women empowerment and making positive change to the society.

Christopher Campbell Holt

Mr. Campbell-Holt is the Registrar and Chief Executive of the AIFC Court and International Arbitration Centre in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. He has more than 20 years career experience working in the law at international law firms and governments in many jurisdictions and countries including in the UK, US, Middle East, and Central Asia.

Krishna Anand

Krishna Anand arrived at the U.S. Consulate in Almaty, Kazakhstan in August 2020. Anand’s most recent assignment was in Washington DC as Bangladesh Desk Officer, promoting mutual economic and security priorities while coordinating efforts to assist one million Rohingya refugees from Burma. Anand served previously as a Line Officer, reviewing briefing materials and leading advance teams in support of the Secretary of State. Anand also served two tours in Mexico City, as Deputy Press Attaché as well as Consular Officer and Staff Assistant, and as Information Officer in Chennai, India. Anand’s background is in Cognitive Psychology (learning and memory), with degrees from Duke University and U.C. Berkeley. In his free time Anand enjoys sports (playing and watching), reading, and travel.

Liba Mushtaq

Liba mushtaq final year student from medicine at CISM of Caspian University. A girl who just believes in Qadr. Do not wait and sit for the opportunities to come. Get up and create them.

Алексей Бендзь

Алексей Бендзь, со-основатель «2B Agency». Более двадцати лет управляет репутацией в крупных международных и казахстанских компаниях - Beeline, Tele2, Deloitte, AES, Resmi Group, Aitu, Федерация Футбола Казахстана и др. Запустил десятки больших PR проектов, среди которых «День Ж» - самая ожидаемая медиа тусовка года, онлайн-симулятор фондовой биржи «Национальная Игра «Биржа», запуск 4G в Казахстане, социальный проект «Безграничные возможности» с и многие другие. Автор и ведущий YouTube проекта «Commutator». Фронтмен группы «Dollar 312».

Гулнара Нұрпейісова

1965 жылы 17 қазанда дүниеге келген. Техника ғылымының докторы, Жоғары білім саласында 31 жыл еңбек етеді, Л. Б. Гончаров атындағы Қазақ автомобиль-жол академиясында және Еуразиялық технологикалық университетінде проректор болып жұмыс істеген. 2019 жылдан бастап Каспий қоғамдық университетінің профессоры. 70-тен астам ғылыми мақала және ҚР патенттеріне 3 авторлық куәлігі бар. Қазақстанның жоғары оқу орындар оқу процесінде алты оқу құралы, 40-тан астам оқу-әдістемелік еңбегі пайдаланылады, Қазақстанның мемлекеттік бағдарламасына енгізілген 7 ғылыми жобаны табысты іске асырған. Үйленген. Екі баласы және екі немересі бар.

Евгений Хоботов

Co-founder of:• SlonWorks (creative / digital agency)• Foresight (marketing agency)• (task manager) Ex-art director: Crea Y&R, McCann, Leo Burnett. Опыт работы в рекламе: Более 15 лет. Сотрудничает с: Robb Report (Сингапур), Nikon, Nef, TEDx, Sense (Россия), Nutricia, Burger King, Pernod Ricard (с брендами Jameson, Olmeca, Absolut, Chivas), Петрович (DIY Россия), BI Group, Avon, Forte Bank, Halyk Bank, Freedom, TSPM, TS Development, Dostyk Plaza, Shymkent Plaza, Capital Partners, Nomad, Технодом, Техноград и еще с десятком брендов в Казахстане.

Леонид Смехов

Леонид Смехов. Тренер по ораторскому искусству с международной практикой. Кандидат исторических наук. Профессор-практик Института Бизнеса РАНХиГС, профессор Caspian University. Автор книг по публичным выступлениям.

Марғұлан Аманбек

Аманбек Марғұлан - Caspian University 4 курс студенті, төменгі курстардан бастап өзін студенттерді ортақ мақсаттарға жетуге шабыттандыра және ынталандыра алатын, басқалардың пікірлерін тыңдауға дайын және бүкіл студенттік қоғамдастықтың мүддесі үшін әрекет ете алатын көшбасшы ретінде танытты. Өзінің қасиеттерінің арқасында ол университет қабырғасында ғана емес, оның сыртында да көптеген биіктерге қол жеткізді. Қазіргі таңда Марғұлан студенттік президент және университет қызметкері, студенттік өмір мен оқу жағдайларын жақсарту үшін жаңа идеялар мен шешімдер іздеуге қабілетті және студенттік өмірді белсенді түрде насихаттайтын креативті және инновациялық көшбасшы. Оның пікірінше, адамның жетістігіне әкелетін жарық сәуле - оның индивидуалдығы болып табылады.

Рустам Юсупов

Рустам Юсупов - генеральный директор Salem social media. Он знает, как руководить командой в 100 человек и создать коммерчески успешный проект. За его плечами 15 лет продюсирования и такие полные метры, как «Пацанская история», «Обратная сторона», «Бизнес по-казахски в Америке», «Гудбай, мой Бай!». Считает, что каждому человеку очень важно найти свое «любимое» дело.

Саясат Нурбек

TEDx Caspian University конференциясының спикері Қазақстан Республикасының Ғылым және жоғары білім министрі Саясат Нұрбек

Эльдар Сарсенов

Эльдар Сарсенов – банкир, акционер АО «Nurbank». Выпускник Suffolk University (Бостон, США) и Northeastern University (Бостон, США).

Organizing team


Almaty, Kazakhstan