x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
November 1, 2022
6:00pm - 10:00pm CET
(UTC +1hr)
Potsdam, Brandenburg

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Hans-Otto Theather
Schiffbauergasse 11
Potsdam, Brandenburg, 14467
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Uni­Potsdam events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Annie Kerguenne

Annie was born and raised in France before studying economics, psycho- and socio-linguistics in Germany. She looks back on three decades of experience in making creativity work for value creation in various contexts. She held diverse leading positions in the creative industry, the area of professional development and as a consultant to startups, including creative director, strategic planner, trend researcher, managing director as well as – her current occupation - Director of digital transformation strategy at the HPI academy. Since 2013, she works in the eco-system of the Hasso Plattner Institute as a Transformation Strategist, Design Thinking Master Coach and Researcher. She creates tailormade executive development trainings and strategy workshops for global organizations and start-ups. As a member and PI of the largest global design thinking research program, the HPDTRP, she explores the impact of design thinking on transformation processes.

Claudine Nierth

Claudine Nierth ist Künstlerin, Politaktivistin und Bundesvorstandssprecherin von Mehr Demokratie. Sie setzt sich seit vielen Jahren für direkte Demokratie und Bürgerbeteiligung ein. Mit Mehr Demokratie initiierte sie mehrere Volksbegehren sowie die ersten beiden, losbasierten Bürgerräte auf der Bundesebene u.a. für den Bundestag zu Deutschlands Rolle in der Welt. 2018 erhielt Claudine Nierth für Ihr Engagement von Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier das Bundesverdienstkreuz. Im August 2022 wurde Claudine Nierth mit dem „Alfred-Müller-Felsenburg-Preises für aufrechte Literatur“ für ihr 2021 erschienenes Buch „Die Demokratie braucht uns! Für eine Kultur des Miteinander“ ausgezeichnet.

Dr Friedrich Bohn

Friedrich Bohn studied geoecology in Bayreuth, wrote his diploma thesis at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena and received his PhD at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig. His research combines the different research areas of remote sensing, climate change, hydrology and diversity of forest ecosystems. In 2021, he co-initiated the "zukunftsbilder" project, which involves more than 100 scientists, journalists, artists and others. Together, they are developing scientifically sound descriptions of a sustainable future. From these, they derive measures that we need to implement today in order to make the specific imagination of the future a reality in the near future. The positive images of the future inspire change, help overcome fears and motivate action.

Jonas Witt

Jonas Witt is a Medical Doctor with a background in Digital Health who decided not to pursue a clinical but rather a career in Tech. For many years, he developed a passion for accelerating technological developments and their consequences for society. Given that humans have a poor intuition for exponential growth, it is likely that technological developments in the coming years could significantly exceed their expectations. Since 2022, Jonas has co-hosted the podcast Ereignishorizont, where he discusses exponential technological developments with experts from the DACH region. He co-founded the digital health startup mama health, a patient platform to find and learn from other patients with a very similar journey.

Laura Rothgang

Laura Rothgang, is 29 years old and co-founder of The Hempany GmbH. Her goal is to bring hemp back onto the menu to let people and the earth benefit from its nutritional and ecological advantages. In 2020, she completed her Master's degree in Media Management, specialising in branding and entrepreneurship. Parallel to her studies, she had already explored the social startup world digging into impact and sustainability issues. That is where she and her co-founders had come across the benefits of hemp plants and since then dedicated themselves intensively to the topic, which resulted in the founding of The Hempany.

Prof. Nikolaus Hafermaas

Prof. Nikolaus Hafermaas is Managing Partner Creation of the innovation agency Graft Brandlab. The former dean of the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena / CA focuses on the creative connection between technology and being human. He runs the agency together with Rico Zocher, which was founded by Graft Architects in 2014, with the aim to make brands tangible in a multidimensional way, while acting at the interface of art, design and technology. Projects include the development and implementation of branding strategies in the form of multimedia branding, communication, architecture and mediatecture.

Susanne Stövhase

Susanne Stövhase ist Co-Founder des Education Innovation LAB (EIL). Sie verbindet ein Studium der bildenden Kunst mit einem Master in Public Policy und umfangreicher Expertise im Bereich 21st Century Learning. Das Education Innovation LAB ist ein Think an Do Tank, der sich für eine grundlegende Transformation unserer Bildungssysteme engagiert. Ziel ist es, Lernende zu befähigen, aktive Gestalter:innen des 21. Jahrhunderts zu werden. An der Schnittstelle von Digitalisierung, 21st Century Skills und den Sustainable Development Goals entwickelt es innovative Lernformate und Lernmaterialien. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit Schüler:innen hat das EIL ein Manifest zur Zukunft der Bildung erarbeitet, dass eine radikal neue Gestaltung unserer Bildungspraxis beschreibt und somit Lernreisen in die Zukunft greifbar macht.

Sven Holly Nullmeyer

Sven Holly Nullmeyer ist Teil des DIDIMOS-Kollektivs, das die narrativen Möglichkeiten der Zukunftserzählung auslotet und sich als Teil einer basisdemokratischen und systemwandelnden Klimakommunikation sieht. Als Teil verschiedener kanadischer Off-Theatergruppen war der in Deutschland aufgewachsene Holly Nullmeyer an verschiedenen kollaborativ-kollektiven Projekten beteiligt, darunter auch internationale Projekte wie "Night", das im kanadischen Nunavut und im isländischen Akureyri entwickelt wurde. Er ist weiter Autor und war in der Berliner Off-Tanzszene als Komponist/Musiker tätig.

Organizing team




Potsdam, Germany
  • Johanna Schlimme
    Post production