x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
May 22, 2023
Budapest, Budapest

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Urania Movie Theatre
Rákoczi ut 21
Budapest, Budapest, 1088
Event type:
Countdown (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Danubia events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Anna Rodon Font

Self-managing organizations facilitator
Anna’s approach to success has been to give it a whole new meaning and reach it as part of a community. She is a translator and interpreter by education and has always been interested in bridging gaps between people. Since 2012, she has had the pleasure of doing so at Som Energia.

Dr. Arndt Pechstein

Neuroscientist, futurist, business coach
Dr. Arndt Pechstein is an energetic blend of a neuroscientist, serial and award-winning entrepreneur, business coach, and passionate human being. Arndt holds a PhD in neuroscience and has specialist backgrounds in future skills, biomimicry, agile methods & organizational development. As management consultant, co-creator of the Future Skills Navigator, and initiator of the Hybrid Thinking approach, he guides individuals and organizations toward future-readiness. Arndt is lecturer for Future Studies, Responsible Innovation, Circular Economy, Systems Thinking, and Enterprise Agility at various prestigious universities in Europe. His mission is shaping a just, sustainable, and desirable future for humans and planet. His Credo is: "Don't just be successful, be significant!".

Dr. István Parádi

István graduated in Biology at ELTE. He has been researching and teaching plant biology for 25 years and is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Plant Physiology and Molecular Plant Biology at ELTE TTK. He spent several years in research institutions abroad (Netherlands, Switzerland, France). His main interests are plant-microbe symbioses and plant stress biology. He is one of the co-founders of ExperiPlant Ltd., which aims to combine research expertise and rigorous scientific approach with agricultural practice, in particular in the development of sustainable and bio-based solutions. In addition to his research and academic work, he also attaches great importance to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and is therefore a regular figure in the media. As a specialist and a father of three, he believes that by changing attitudes and paradigms, together we can indeed create security for future generations.

Gabriella Gómez-Mont

Gabriella is a journalist, visual artist, and documentary film director, as well as creative advisor to several cities, universities and companies, with many international awards. She is also a Visiting Professor of Practice at UCL's Institute of Innovation and Public Purpose, and the (soon to be) founder of The Institute for Everything In-Between.

Hodász András

Andrást 2014-ben szentelték pappá Esztergomban, ezt követően a Pápai Magyar Intézetben – Rómában folytatta 2 éves ösztöndíjas tanulmányait. Országos ismertségre akkor tett szert, amikor elindította Papifrankó Youtube-csatornáját, Instagram-mémoldalát, majd Facebook-oldalát. Mivel az egyházában is felmerülő erkölcsi dilemmákkal is foglalkozott, erős támadások alá került és felmentését kérte a papi szolgálat alól.

Johannes Weber

Johannes is a passionate entrepreneur, pioneering impact investor and a father of three amazing children. After a successful IPO in his mid-twenties, Johannes followed his dream to tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges by harnessing the power of entrepreneurship. Johannes co-founded Ananda Impact Ventures in 2009 and was recognized as a ‘Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum’. The company has since become one of the largest impact venture capital firms in Europe. He is enthusiastic about boxing and meditation, which have taught him valuable - and surprisingly similar - life skills.

Kertai Zsolt

Zsolt 1999-ben a Plaza Centers-nél kezdte pályafutását. A 2000-es évek közepén már a Csepel Plázát igazgatta, majd a Duna Pláza üzemeltetésért és bérbeadásért is ő lett a felelős. Jelenleg, egyebek mellett, az Indotek nemzetközi kiskereskedelmi ingatlan igazgatója. Ingatlanpiaccal kapcsolatos munkája mellett legfontosabbnak a négy társával létrehozott „ALAP” nevű szervezet működtetését tartja, amely elsősorban hátrányos helyzetű tehetségek kibontakoztatásában segít.

Nick Gogerty

Nick brings two decades of experience applying finance, technology & innovation to complex problems. He has held senior roles in a research institute modeled on the MIT MediaLab, hedge funds and start-ups. He builds global strategic relationships in financial services, government & technology firms at the highest levels: he has advised, the G-20, UN and other groups on sustainable finance and innovation. Nick is the creator of SolarCoin, a free solar energy incentive program using blockchain technology and the author of Nature of Value, winner of an MIT Solve award and member of the Explorers club. He has a BA from the University of Iowa in cultural anthropology and an MBA from École des Ponts ParisTech.

Prof. Jeffrey S. Hangst

Physicist, Antihydrogen expert
Jeffrey is a graduate of MIT (SB, SM) and of the University of Chicago (PhD). In Chicago, he worked at Fermilab and at Argonne National Lab. He moved to Aarhus University in Denmark in 1993 and has been there since. He received the European Physical Society’s 1996 accelerator award for a young scientist for his work on laser cooling of stored ion beams in the ASTRID storage ring in Aarhus. He holds numerous prestigious awards and is a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.

Szász Anna Dorottya

Anna az UNICEF Magyarország Fiatal Nagykövete és Klímahőse. 16 éves, a fenntarthatóság ügye mellett elkötelezett győri Kazinczy Ferenc Gimnázium és Kollégium tanulója. Elkötelezett a klímavédelem iránt, mert tisztában van azzal, hogy a bolygó megóvása elsősorban az ő generációjáról és annak jövőjéről szól. Fontosnak tartja, hogy a fiataloknak is legyen lehetőségük beleszólni az őket érintő kérdésekbe. Szeretné, ha ők maguk dönthetnének saját jövőjükről, hiszen egy szebb világot álmodtak meg annál, ami várhat rájuk, ha nem segítünk.

Organizing team


Budapest, Hungary


Budapest, Hungary