Edo Oliver
drag queen/ editor/ photographer
Creative/ Drag performer/ photographer and producer based in Tokyo. Edo is also one of the founders and editors of the print magazine IWAKAN, and a planner/creative director at Creative Studio REING. Through their work, Edo hopes to stimulate the discussion around gender while expressing themselves creatively through various outlets.
東京で活動するクリエイティブ/ドラァグクイーン/フォトグラファー/プロデューサー。また、雑誌『IWAKAN』の創刊者の一人であり、編集者、Creative Studio REINGのプランナー/クリエイティブ・ディレクションも務める。仕事を通して、ジェンダーに関する議論を盛り上げ、自分自身を表現したいと考えている。
Leo Tanaka Fuchigami
Founder of Tokyo Trilinguals/ Multi-cultural Community Builder
Moving to Japan from Canada, he faced difficulties feeling a sense of belonging, leading him to create local communities that enable people to foster strong friendships. He established communities such as Tokyo Trilinguals for those who speak more than three languages. His work has been featured in Women's Health Japan, On Your Mark and Samurai Sports.
Leoさんはカナダから来日後、日本での居場所探しに苦労した経験をきっかけに、「グローバルなコミュニティをローカルに作る」活動を始めた。3カ国語以上を話す言語愛好家のためのコミュニティ「Tokyo Trilinguals」や、東京のさまざまなエスニック レストランで多文化イベントを開催するコミュニティ、グローカル ガストロノミーを設立した。活動内容はWomen’s Health Japan、On Your Mark、Samurai Sportsにも取り上げられている。
university student/ YouTuber
University student, Alicia, is currently active as YouTuber. She and her friend, Chelsea create wide-genre content from relatable/advisory Q&As to dance videos.
university student/ YouTuber
University student, Chelsea, is currently active as YouTuber. She and her friend, Alicia create wide-genre content from relatable/advisory Q&As to dance videos.
上京大生いとをかし けんと
YouTuber/ marketer
Kento is a junior at Sophia University, majoring in German Studies. He has been posting his daily life as a university student on YouTube and TikTok. After studying abroad in Germany for one semester, he has been setting up a business marketing based on his social media experience.
吉本 圭吾
General manager at Group Strategy Division Sustainability Promotion Office, Resona Holdings, Inc.
General manager at Group Strategy Division Sustainability Promotion Office, Resona Holdings, Inc. In order to promote sustainability measures of Resona group, he contributes to sustainability transformation for corporations, encourages carbon neutrality, and deals with various institutional investors and disclosure.