プレイワーカー Playworker 移動式あそび場全国ネットワーク代表 Mobile Playground Network in Japan Representative / First-class architect / Children's environmental coordinator / Event producer / Children's disaster prevention activist
1978年新潟の妙高高原生まれ。2001年学生の時にNPO団体を設立。空き家改装した子ども基地やまち探検、地域イベントなどの活動を実施。2008年にNPO法人コドモ・ワカモノまちingを設立。移動式あそび場や地域イベント、アート活動やキャンプ、防災活動など実施。現在は、フリースクールを設立したり、大学講師などもしている。2021年には移動式あそび場全国ネットワークを創設し、全国各地で活動展開している。受賞歴 2008:千代田まちづくりサポート10周年記念事業大賞、2012:青年版国民栄誉賞「人間力大賞」復興創造特別賞、2022年ジャパンアウトドアリーダーズアワード 等
Born in Myoko Kogen, Niigata in 1978.2001 Founded an NPO when he was a student. Children's base a refurbished vacant house, town Exploration, environmental design and local events, etc.In 2008, he founded the NPO Kodomo Wakamono Matching.Playground creation, local events, art activities, camping, disaster prevention activities, lectures, etc.he has established a free school and is also a university lecturer.he founded the “Mobile Playpark Network in Japan”His mission is to create 100 mobile playgrounds in Japan in 10 years.
アートコレクター/ Art Collector
Born in Onomichi, Hiroshima, graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Law and received a PhD from Waseda University, Faculty of Science and Engineering.
Worked for a medical device manufacturer for many years, including nearly 15 years in Europe and the USA, where he was involved in medical device development and M&A.
After retiring as chairman of the board of directors of the medical device manufacturer and chairman of an industry association, he is currently involved in university education in medical device innovation and medical device-related consultancy. He is a collector of contemporary art and runs an event planning company utilizing these artworks.
生物物理学者&起業家 / Biophysicist & Entrepreneur, Milk.株式会社 代表取締役 / CEO of Milk.Inc
Born in Ehime, Japan in 1993. Entered SierraCollege in California after graduating from high school with aspirations of winning the Nobel Prize in Physics. Focusing on "light" as the key to understanding the mechanisms of disease from a physical perspective, I am currently engaged in cancer cell analysis using hyperspectral technology.
プロジェクトデザイナー/知財ハンター Project Designer / Tech Hunter
1985年石川県金沢市生まれ。日本橋、金沢、下北沢、ベトナムを拠点とし、アート/プロダクト/マーケティングなど領域に縛られずにさまざまなプロジェクトをデザイン。プロトタイピングに特化した新施設「日本橋地下実験場」を東京の拠点として、30を超える職種のクリエイターと活動を行う。SXSWやMUTEK JPなど国内外のエキシビションにて作品を発表。One Show/D&AD/ACC/CODE Awards/グッドデザイン賞など国内外での受賞歴多数。著書「妄想と具現」が近日発売予定。
沢田 直美 Naomi Sawada
社会起業家、発明家、わたしの暮らし研究所株式会社 代表取締役 / Social Entrepreneur, Inventor, President of Research Institution of My Life
2017年日本ロレアル主催 Beauty x IoTハッカソン優勝をきっかけに、ものづくりに携わる。さらにものづくりに至るための研究が足りないことに着目し、わたしの暮らし研究所を立ち上げ、市民の生活に寄り添った研究・開発を行なっている。
臨床工学技士、命のエヴァンジェリスト/ Clinical Engineer, Evangelist of Life
2000年から国立循環器病研究センターで17年間、臨床工学技士として従事。人工心肺や補助循環などの臨床業務と並行して博士(応用情報科学)取得、また7年間医工連携に従事、感染予防用アイガード「パラシールド」を商品化。経済産業省の始動Next Innovator2016に参加(シリコンバレー派遣組み20名に選抜、最終プレゼンターに選出)。
赤井 絵理 ERI AKAI
サスティナブルインフルエンサー / Sustainable Influencer MLT合同会社・セレクトショップ minimal living tokyo. 共同代表
With significantly increasing numbers of natural disasters, are we really heading to the right direction towards sustainable future? Or are we still, for the majority of society and cooperates, profit driven, taking natural resources for granted?
Climate crisis is a crisis of every living thing including humans - we can’t just fix it overnight, let alone by just a few people fighting for change. What is the one thing every single one of us can do to live more sustainable and responsible? And what if that one thing can really change the world to have a hopeful future?
エシカル起業家 / social entrepreneur
JCI JAPAN TOYP 2019 環境大臣奨励賞
ソーシャルプロダクツ・アワード2021年度 ソーシャルプロダクツ賞
生物多様性アクション大賞2018 審査員賞
Yukino Kinjyo started planning and selling "coral-friendly sunscreen" in 2017 to address the issues of tourism and the environment after being warned that "coral will die.
In 2020, She launched "Project Manatii," a project to connect local communities and visitors, allowing them to clean up anytime they want and connect with local people. The number of cooperating locations has expanded to over 100, and the project is expanding its circle of kindness and connection with many communities.
JCI JAPAN TOYP 2019 Minister of the Environment Encouragement Award
-Coral-friendly sunscreen-
Social Products Award 2021 Social Products Prize
Biodiversity Action Award 2018 Jury Prize