x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
October 1, 2022
Sepsiszentgyörgy, Covasna

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Tamási Áron Theater
1 Piața Libertății
Sepsiszentgyörgy, Covasna, 520003
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Sepsiszentgyorgy events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

András Ravasz

“With my invention of the Braille Comfort Pack, as a 17-year-old high school student in Covasna, I won the second prize of the 30th National Youth Innovation Competition. Now I am studying, researching and working on various projects at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Faculty of Electrical Engineering. My goal is to build machines that benefit humanity, and to encourage those younger than me to do the same.”

Csilla Gyöngyösi

“My name is Csilla Gyöngyösi, I am a Reformed priest, philologist and an entrepreneur. I studied Arabic, science and philosophy at the Faculty of Theology. I speak five languages well, I also teach these. I started the Musafir language school five years ago, because of the reason that if I don't do something, my children will not learn Romanian only in school.”

Elise Wilk

Elise Wilk is a playwright, journalist and theater translator. She is a doctor in Theater and Performing Arts and from 2021 she teaches playwriting courses at the University of Arts in Târgu-Mureș. Since 2010, her plays have been staged in numerous theaters in Romania and abroad and have been translated into 13 languages so far.

István Szakács-Paál

István Szakács-Paál has been the manager of the Harghita Business Center since its establishment. Before that, he had got to know the American stock market at the age of 20, for twelve years he traded and scalped the world's stock exchanges for 8-10 hours a day, and was considered one of the most active traders of his time. The Wall Street Journal also published an on-site report with their team in Cluj.

Kristóf Szabó

Szabó Kristóf az OM és a KönyvKlub létrehozója. Az OM, egy olyan közösség, amely a tehetséges fiataloknak segít elérni a céljaikat, olyan dolgokról beszélnek, amire az iskola sajnos nem tanított meg bennünket, viszont az életben nagy hasznukat vesszük. A közösségi médián eddig több, mint 340.000 embernek sikerült segítenie a tanácsaival, meglátásaival. Célja, egy olyan platform létrehozása, ahol még a legelfoglaltabb emberek is könnyen és gyorsan tudnak, hasznos dolgokat tanulni.

László Csákány

“After the high school in wood industry, I obtained a diploma in forestry and then environmental science. I thought that these two professions complement each other. Practicing the profession, I recognized the importance of the paradigm shift necessary to protect our environment. That's why I also obtained a teacher's certificate, because I consider it important to educate the younger generation about the environment. Since 2002, as the president of the Unified Commonage Sfântu Gheorghe - Szemerja and Görgő, I have been holding field and round-table lectures on the role of the forest for a wide range of society.”

László Gál

I was born in Târgu Secuiesc. I was a hunter for about 6 years; volunteer ranger for one year; professional ranger for three months; I completed a ranger training course; Wildlife photographer and nature filmmaker since 2004; I have been dealing with bears since 2007; I have been researching bears for 7 years, completing ecological studies at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, in the doctoral school, specializing in large carnivores.

Laura Popeea

I am a passionate person about people and personal development. I have had the chance to meet and interact with a lot of people and develop and evolve continuously during my 19-year old career in corporations, working in sales management, in middle management positions. In July 2018, after 4 years of volunteering in the roles of founding member and member of the Board of the Brașov Community Foundation, I have chosen to take on the role of executive director, thus benefiting from my expertise in community facilitation and development. This decision and my involvement thus far in the life of my community, gives me great meaning and fulfillment, as the impact of what I do is a Greater Good than my personal one. I am particularly attracted to fundraising, cause it means creating bridges between the needs and existing resources in each community, which may be financial, relational or know-how related.

Oana Drăgulinescu

Oana Drăgulinescu has over two decades of experience in the field of cultural journalism. She is a creator and communicator of cultural and social projects, translator of fragile histories, which she reshapes, so that they can be received by the general public and the founder of the Museum of Abandonment

Zoltán Beke

Beke Zoltán stratégiai és digitalizációs tanácsadó, a Mortoff Kft. alapítója. Munkatársaival azon dolgoznak, hogy a termelőüzemeket adatközpontú, intelligens gyárakká alakítsák. Munkájában a vállalati működés digitalizációja mellett a szervezeti fejlődés emberi tényezői foglalkoztatják.

Zoltán Thurzó

He is the rare pianist of his age who moves with similar success in the world of music and management/marketing. He is a suggestive personality, both as a performer and as a marketing speaker. From his personal experiences, he filters out the essence in an understandable way for everyone. Everyone struggles with the same questions and problems. There is a solution!

Zsolt Nagy

As youth activist, I have established the local branch of European youth network and as the youngest Minister for IT&C in Europe, I have left as legacy eGovernment strategy,, fastest internet access in Europe, digitalize rural area, restructure and privatize the Romanian Post on the Stock Exchange and enlist Romtelecom. I paid a price for my idealistic dream: more than 2 years in jail and no legal arguments till this day. From 2007, as entrepreneur I had to reinvent myself. My continuous growth focuses now on the business world, international negotiations, the market of luxury hospitality and real-estate industry.

Organizing team


Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania


Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania