x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Amplifying The Wonders

This event occurred on
November 4, 2012
10:00am - 2:00pm WIB
(UTC +7hrs)
Bandung, Jawa Barat

Since the dawn of humanity, “wonder” is a magical world that guides mankind throughout its history. Wonders came in from the majestic forms that awe our hearts, to the small things that often ignored by us. Mankind have discovered fire, wheels, organized state, religions, printing press, steam machine, electricity, biotechnology, the internet, artificial intelligence, human genome mapping…what’s next?

Do the wonders we create allow us to become the better beings?

Do we seek things that are bringing benefits to our surroundings?

Are we searching and discovering things that are really matters?

Do we talk and discuss and celebrate and amplify the true wonders?

Selasar Sunaryo
Bukit Pakar Timur No.100
Bandung, Jawa Barat, 40198
See more ­T­E­Dx­Bandung events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Eko Nugroho

Dia adalah CEO dan co-founder dari Kummara, board game developer pertama Indonesia yang berbasis di Bandung. Simpang Dago, Boga Bloggers, WordPress the Board Game adalah beberapa board game karyanya.

Fransiska Putri Wina

Fransiska Putri Wina Hadiwidjana (Informatika ITB 2008) merupakan salah satu dari 80 orang peserta program utama Singularity University Graduate Studies Program 2012 (GSP12) dan termasuk salah satu peserta termuda. Fransiska, bersama dengan dua orang partner dari Amerika Serikat dan Israel, membentuk suatu tim yang bernama Med Sensation.

Handry Santriago

Handry Satriago (born in Riau, Pekanbaru on June 13, 1969) is the CEO of General Electric Indonesia. He joined the company in 1997 as Business Development Manager. Prior to joining GE he worked for several local companies as head of business development. He is responsible for the development and the growth of GE's business in Indonesia. Over the 15 years of working at GE, Handry has been appointed to various positions of increasing responsibility such as GE International (Business Development Manager in Indonesia and Singapore); GE Lighting (General Manager Industrial Lighting for Indonesia and Brunei); GE Power Systems (Regional Black Belt Quality Leader Asia); GE Energy (Sales Director for Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam region) before finally promoted as the CEO of GE Indonesia.

Hokky Situngkir

Hokky Situngkir adalah ilmuwan/peneliti teori kompleksitas di Surya University dan Pendiri Bandung Fe Institute. Ia dikenal memiliki spektrum kajian yang luas, mulai dari keberhasilannya memecahkan rahasia pola/motif batik fraktal, kompleksitas matematis lagu-lagu daerah Indonesia, aspek matematis dalam Candi Borobudur hingga pergerakan saham dengan memakai teori kompleksitas

Imelda Rosalin

Pianis dan vokalis jazz Imelda Rosalin, yang bernama lengkap Imelda Astri Rosalin Simangunsong, berasal dari Bandung. Tamat pendidikan terakhir Program Studi Arsitektur di Fakultas Pasca Sarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung tahun 1999 bidang Sejarah, Teori dan Kritik Arsitektur, dan saat ini berprofesi baik sebagai musisi professional dan juga sebagai seorang arsitek. Pernah mendapatkan penghargaan Golden Awards pada festival musik Yamaha Band Explosion di Tokyo, Jepang tahun 1990 bersama Khatulistiwa Band di bawah bimbingan Elfa Secioria. Hingga saat ini masih aktif tampil di berbagai event seperti Java Jazz Festival, Asean Jazz Festival, International Blues Festival Jakarta, Bali Jazz Festival dll. Juga aktif tampil bersama Salamander Big Band, Bandung.

Rahmat Jabaril

Rahmat Jabaril, mendengar namanya bagi sebagian orang ia dikenal sebagai seniman, aktivis, atau bahkan sebagai preman sekalipun. Pria yang lahir di Bandung pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1968, memiliki begitu banyak aktivitas, di antaranya berkesenian dan menjalankan kegiatan-kegiatan sosialnya. Pria berambut panjang ini sering kali hadir dengan gagasan-gagasan beraninya, bahkan dalam penyampaian gagasannya ia tampil dengan cara yang tidak biasa.

Satria Yanuar

Di tangan Satria Yanuar, seni dan budaya bisa menghidupi masyarakat sekaligus lestari.

Tesla Manaf

Since his early age, the wish of this second child of two siblings was simple, he just wanted to do something that not many people do. He chose to be different. If usually people choose the main character of a cartoon, he would choose the supporting characters that others tend to ignore. He has the habit to look at things from diferent angle, something that has given such an impact to his colorful musicality. He always loves to look at the smallest details that actually spiced his musics up in special way. Since he was small, he could never sit in silence when he saw something unparalleled, asymmetry or not in order. This also affect his composing method.

Tri Mumpuni

Tri Mumpuni is social entrepreneur and philanthropist who was involved in the project for the development of hydro power electricity for more than half a million people of Indonesia.

Yu Sing

Yu Sing, Lulusan ilmu arsitektur di Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan lulus pada 1999 adalah seorang arsitek dan sempat menjadi bagian dari "arsitek biasa" yang memenuhi order klien tentang desain rumah atau bangunan yang diinginkan. Namun idealismenya sebagai seorang arsitek membuat ia tumbuh dan berkembang, membuahkan berbagai program seperti Desain Rumah Murah dan Papan untuk Semua.

Organizing team


Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
  • Fanni Yudharisman
  • Cenderasari Putri
    Venue Officer
  • Fauzan Alfi
    AV Tech
  • Fajar Abdurrofi