Dilhayo Muhammadjonova
Third-year Student of Uzbekistan state world languages.
Because of her huge interest in languages, she is learning Spanish now.
Khadicha Khusanova
Khusanova Khadicha is 19 years old ambitious and curious person. Khadicha is a 2nd-year student of Webster University and an activist in many activities. She is passionate about learning new languages. In addition, he participated in many international conferences.
Mukhlisa Atakhodjaeva
Mukhlisa Atakhodjaeva is a 22-year-old ambitious researcher. She is a WIUT Master's Student and Enrollment Specialist at one of the leading international companies QS which is the best known for world university rankings and owns the www.topuniversities.com page.
Munavvarkhon Sultonova
Munavvarkhon Sultonova is a 24-year-old mom and Master's degree student at Westminster International University in Tashkent.
She is doing her research about the Continuous Professional Development of Language Teachers at the National Research Institute named after A. Avloniy.
Because of her interest in professional development and social activities, she is currently participating in online programs:
Women Leadership Skills Series (completed)
Media Literacy workshop by @americanspacesinuzbekistan
Academy for Entrepreneur Women by @usembassytashkent @tech4impact.uz
"1 step to Ph.D." course by @yoshlaragentligi
"Pathway to Excellence" Teacher development program by @uzbritish
UniSat program about STEAM by @tech4impact.uz, @unicefuzbekistan
And she is working on establishing a private primary school at @opus_fergana.
Odina Turdieva
Odina Turdieva is a 17-year-old 3d designer and ambitious person. Odina is in 11th grade at school. She is a bookworm person. She loves to read books related to self-development.