Drag performer
"Goma Dango is a bilingual drag performer living and working in Tokyo, Japan. Goma founded the queer performance group, Haus of Gaishoku, in 2018 and currently produces monthly shows for international audiences in various venues in and around Tokyo. Goma also performs with the bilingual improvisational comedy group, Pirates of Tokyo Bay, at their live shows and teaches classes on improv as well. In order to buy even more makeup, Goma works full time creating subtitles for various clients' streaming content as well as consults with Japanese creatives in order to better pitch their pieces to overseas buyers.
Clinical Director
Billy has lived in Japan for over a decade and resides in West Tokyo with his wife and son. Billy serves as the Clinical Director of the largest International mental health agency in Japan, TELL. He received his clinical license and training in Chicago, Illinois and is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Billy’s focus in his work and life is to engage in a collaborative discovery of improving one's self and the systems around him that cause people to change and thrive. His focus at TELL is to build upon its mission to support the international and Japanese community of individuals and families to help restore relationships. Billy finds himself wrestling with his son on the weekends, enjoying a lively discussion with his wife, yet, not all before stealing a couple quiet hours away in the morning for a freshly made cup of pour-over coffee. When he gets around to it, you may find him taking a trail up one of the many diverse mountains throughout Japan.
Employee, Social entrepreneur
Born and bred in Singapore. Moved to Japan in 2008. Founded social project Boundless in 2017 with the aim of reevaluating charms of rural Japan and finding solutions for the multitude of problems faced in Japan, by connecting the global community with the hyper local. Currently working at Your Stand, a start-up developing EV charging technologies, while managing Boundless activities and juggling random interpretation gigs related to design, education and sustainability. With his interdisciplinary experiences accumulated thus far, Dennis hopes to contribute, however insignificantly, to creating a sustainable future.
Eri Itoh
東京大学大学院博士課程修了(航空宇宙工学専攻)。ユーロコントロール実験研究所(フランス)、オランダ航空宇宙研究所、NASAエイムズ研究所、海上・港湾・航空技術研究所 電子航法研究所、南洋理工大学などでの研究職を経て、東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 准教授。国際航空科学会議(ICAS)よりMcCarthy Award、John J.Green Award 受賞。著書に『空の旅を科学する 人工知能が拓く!?21世紀の航空管制』(河出書房新社)、『みんなでつくるAI時代 これからの教養としてのSTEAM』(CCCメディアハウス社)がある。
蓼藍という植物の葉を乾燥、発酵させてつくる蒅をもとに、日本の伝統技法 ’’天然灰汁発酵建て’’ を用いてつくられる藍色は、深みのある、冴えた色合いが美しく、色移りしにくいという特徴を持つ。
Kentaro Iwata
Prof. Kentaro Iwata was born in 1971, in Shimane, Japan. After graduating from Shimane Medical University, he went through postgraduate training at Okinawa Chubu Hospital, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, and Beth Israel Medical Center. He also worked as a family physician in Beijing, China. He returned to Japan in 2004 and became chief of the Department of Infectious Disease, and the Department of Infection Control at Kameda Medical Center. He became Professor of Medicine in 2008 at Kobe University's Graduate School of Medicine. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases both in the US and Japan. He is also specialized in Infection Control and Kampo Medicine. Finally, he is also a certified Wine Expert Excellence.
フェンシング選手 (種目:フルーレ 千葉)
幼いころから棒を振り回すのが好きで、保育園在園中に水泳を始めるが、あまり好きではなかったため、水泳を辞めたいと親に言うことができずにいた時にフェンシングに出会い 、親に頼んで フェンシングを始める。フェンシングを始めると才能が開花し、小学校6年生の時には全国大会で優勝する。
2007年に慶應義塾高等学校在学中に、 17歳以下の世界ジュニア・カデ選手権で、日本人初フルーレ個人で優勝 する。2012年には慶應義塾大学在学中にロンドンオリンピック に出場し 、男子フルーレ団体で銀メダルを獲得する。2013年、アジア選手権大会で、個人・団体で準優勝。
ポンサー契約を一時保 留にして、生活費や活動費を稼ぐためUberEats を始める。
UberEats を始めると 国内・世界のメディアに取り上げられている。
Tamaki Hoshi
Tamaki is a Social Sciences major at Waseda University and Miss World Japan 2020 Runner-up. While she was born in Tokyo, Tamaki spent most of her childhood in the US, where she had planned to pursue medical school and become her definition of a “successful woman”. Just several weeks before graduating from her American high school, however, Tamaki realized that her ideal future-self was like a perfectly empty shell with no inner identity. With the desire to find her true identity, Tamaki changed her college plans and started living in Japan for the first time in 15 years. Through new experiences and culture shocks, Tamaki discovered unquestioned assumptions and subconscious stigmas that distorted her views of the world and of herself. She hopes to share her story on how she overcame her obsession over who she “ought to be” in the future by uncovering and accepting who she already “is” in the present.
Co-Founder and CTO of Code Chrysalis; Board Member/Advisors for Waffle, Startup Lady, Ekolocal
Yan Fan was born in China and raised in Seattle, she graduated from Dartmouth College with degrees in Economics and Arabic. After graduation, Yan worked at an agri-commodities trading firm in Singapore before changing her career to tech. Quitting trading, Yan moved to San Francisco and became a software engineer at Ayasdi, a leading Silicon Valley machine learning startup. Yan co-founded and served as CTO of her first coding school in Jordan helping refugees in 2016. She focused on training and finding jobs for refugees displaced from the nearby conflict regions. Code Chrysalis is Yan's second coding bootcamp. She started Code Chrysalis because she was brimming with ideas on how to best teach programming and develop top software engineering talent. Code Chrysalis, not only helps individuals change their careers through our programs, but also works with large enterprises to re-engineer their teams, including clients such as Mercari, NRI, some of the NTTs, and more.
Student / Yoga instructor / Co-founder
Zen is a Chinese-Malaysian junior at Waseda University, Tokyo, School of International Liberal Studies, focusing on global governance and environmental sustainability. She is also a certified yoga instructor, and co-founder of ProjekWaste, a local NPO in Perhentian Islands, Malaysia, tackling waste pollution and raising awareness in nature conservation. She recently started her sustainable creative lifestyle brand Nami, exploring and creating alternatives for sustainable living. In her free time, Zen enjoys playing tennis, badminton, scuba diving, surfing, rock climbing, and more yoga. You may also find her brewing coffee and making latte art in a cafe in Omotesando. Through this Tedx talk, she wishes to reach to more individuals to not only be aware of climate impacts but take actions and make changes through daily activities and mindfulness.