x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Catalyst

This event occurred on
February 28, 2021
Tokyo, Tôkyô

The theme for this year's event is Catalyst. The Japanese word for Catalyst is 触媒[SHOKUBAI]. Catalysts are normally used in chemical reactions to speed up reactions. The word for 'talk' or telling stories in Japanese is 語る[KATARU], which sounds similar to the English word catalyst. As a play on these two words, we chose this year's theme to invite speakers to talk about their personal experiences or give messages of hope to overcome these unprecedented times. How can we be catalysts for change through using our voices?

Hitotsubashi University
1-2 Naka, Kunitachi
Tokyo, Tôkyô, 186-8601
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Hitotsubashi­U events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Hiroshi Nakano

What is the 'measure' of your life?
Olympic boat player from Hitotsubashi University.

Makoto Ouchi

The Power of 'Outsider'
A student of Hitotsubashi University

Miyu Suzuki

Your MonoGatari Colors the World
A student of Keio University. His is also the founder of MonoGatari corporation.

Shuta Takada

How to update the normal for you?
one of the co-founder of HLAB.

Yuki Moritani

Rethinking University: A Graduate Student during the Pandemic
A graduate student of Hitotsubashi University.

Organizing team

