x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
March 27, 2021
Cleveland, Ohio
United States

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Virtual Conference filmed at Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, Ohio, 44106
United States
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­C­W­R­U events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alice Lo

Alice is an undergraduate student at Case Western Reserve University studying biochemistry and biology. She is a researcher at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute and co-founder of the Case Western Reserve University Undergraduate Research Society. She is passionate about understanding how to best utilize and direct our collective talents to change the world!

Brad Pickett

Brad grew up on a potato farm in Southern Idaho. He went to college at the University Of Idaho and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Business. Then he went on to pursue his interests in real estate. Working as a loan officer, mortgage broker, title representative, realtor, real estate broker, and finally an investor. He also worked as a full time Firefighter/ EMT during the economic downturn of 2008. After years of working in the “Matrix” he beckoned the courage to follow his soul song and began his coaching company Through this he helps hundreds of people through mentoring and public speaking, and has found fulfillment and happiness!

Dr. William Schnell

The Rev. Dr. William F. Schnell retired as a pastor in 2018 after a 35-year tenure, during which he concurrently served a 2-year term as President of the Ohio Council of Churches. Following retirement, he spent two weeks at Oxford University in its Summer Theology School. He then enrolled at Harvard University for a Graduate Certificate in Social Justice, which was completed in May of 2020. Most recently, in February 2021, he completed a Certificate in Climate Change and Health from Yale University. He is currently a climate activist and speaker trained by the Climate Reality Project!

Maria Ross

Maria Ross is a brand strategist, speaker, and author who believes in cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive. As founder of Red Slice, she guides entrepreneurs and fast-growth businesses on crafting brand stories that connect with the right customers. Maria is the author of several books including her most recent, The Empathy Edge: Harnessing the Value of Compassion as an Engine for Success

Michelle Smith

Michelle is an author, speaker, and founder of Recovery is the New Black, a digital community for women living or exploring an alcohol-free life. As a wife and working mother of two, she fell into the "mommy juice" drinking culture. Michelle found a way out and has been in recovery from alcohol abuse since 2016. As a certified addiction and mental health counselor, she provides services to other moms who are seeking supportive alternatives to a boozy culture that tells us alcohol is an accessory to motherhood. Michelle has 20 years of experience in the field of addiction medicine and behavioral health treatment!

Paritosh Joshi

Paritosh Joshi is a Research Assistant at the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, and graduated from Case Western Reserve University in Spring 2020 with degrees in Psychology and Sociology. He hopes to eventually obtain his PhD in Clinical Psychology!

Sejal Thakkar

Sejal Thakkar is founder and Chief Civility Officer of TrainXtra. As Sejal grew up in a suburb of Chicago, Sejal fought hatred and discrimination on a regular basis. She refused to allow ignorance, insensitivity, and the bullying conduct of others impact her inner “ninja”. Armed with knowledge she gained from these experiences, Sejal teaches that harassment will not stop on its own – it’s up to all of us to be part of the fight to stop workplace harassment. We cannot be complacent bystanders and expect our workplace cultures to change by themselves. Sejal passionately transforms the workplace and education settings into places of civility by empowering others to be a part of the solution. Her goal is to empower each employee to create a positive workplace environment!

Trent McKnight

Trent has served as an agriculture advisor to the U.S. Military in Iraq, agricultural economist to the United Nations’ World Food Programme in Liberia, agriculture researcher for Texas A&M’s Borlaug Institute of International Agriculture and chairman of the USDA Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Committee. Agriculture, rural communities and international development are his passions. In 2013, he founded AgriCorps, a non-profit organization that creates an enabling environment and builds capacity for school-based agricultural education in developing countries. Trent is an operating partner in VestedWorld, a venture capital firm focused on early-stage companies in emerging markets across Africa.

Trent McKnight

Trent McKnight - Agricultural leader Trent is the founder of AgriCorps and The Movement for School-Based Agricultural Education, an agricultural development initiative focused on sub-Saharan Africa.

Vishnu Polkampally

Vishnu Polkampally is a student, researcher, and enthusiast of all things at the intersection of technology and business. He is majoring in Computer Science and Economics and hopes to eventually work towards democratizing cutting-edge innovations!

Vivian Glyck

Vivian Glyck founded Just Like My Child Foundation in 2006 following the birth of her son, Zak. Through the experience of a mother’s love for her child, Vivian woke up to realize the value of every human life. After learning about the horrific numbers of children dying from malaria and orphaned by the AIDS epidemic in Africa, Vivian was moved to make a difference. Vivian is a recognized thought leader in global issues facing the health, education, and economic leadership of vulnerable adolescent girls and women around the world, beginning in Uganda, East Africa. Just Like My Child Foundation has documented success in increasing acceptance of human rights in developing communities and shifting harmful cultural practices that impede girls from continuing their education. The organization is focused on the Girl Power Project® and committed to empowering vulnerable adolescent girls to stay in school, avoid forced child marriage, pregnancy, and gender-based violence. Through a Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Action and in support of Michelle Obama’s Let Girls Learn initiative, JLMC is working to reach 20,000 girls in central Uganda through 2021 and has begun the process of Going Global through programs in the United States and India. An author and successful former marketing director for Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, and others, Vivian, a native New Yorker, currently lives in San Diego with her husband and son.

Organizing team




Cleveland, OH, United States