Claire Cunneen
Independent Practitioner at Chi Rivers
Claire has been teaching self-development through movement, body-mind techniques and Qigong, meditation and reflection across the US and in Europe for 30 years. She designed and taught the Qigong curriculum at Mercy College’s Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Program and was one of the original instructors in the Qi development program at Yo San University of TCM. She offers therapeutic care with individually tailored Qigong protocols and with Qigong Therapy as part of the TCM modalities available at AcuCentre, gives private and group instruction in Qigong & Tai Chi, offers private coaching and Feng Shui consultations, and co-moderates InfiniChi Life coaching, Feng Shui and healthy cooking seminars.
Logos Curtis
Head of the Young Psychiatry unit at HUG
Logos is the head of the Geneva Young Adult Psychiatry Unit, where he currently works on continually integrating psychiatric, psychotherapeutic, and psychosocial care into early interventions for young adults. Very active in clinical research, having published over fifteen scientific articles mainly in the field of young adults and psychoses, Logos is dedicated to the training and education of our future psychiatrists. He is very actively engaged in the teaching programs of the University of Geneva's psychiatry department. He heads up the postgraduate training group, and co-heads the pregraduate education groups both at Master level (Psychiatry) and Bachelor level (Clinical neurosciences).
Vincent Subilia
President Chamber of commerce and industry of Geneva
Vincent is the Director-General of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG)
in Geneva. Vincent strives for a lively and diversified business community in Geneva. A
qualified lawyer with robust expertise gained in Switzerland and abroad (including Brussels,London, New York, and Beijing) he has a depth of experience with diverse regional, national, and international institutions, including the General Council of the World Chamber’s Federation, where we served as the elected Swiss representative. Vincent has also acted as
President of the Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution.