x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
March 21, 2021
Osaka, Ôsaka

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Virtual Event
Virtual Event
Osaka, Ôsaka, Virtual Event
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.


Ms. Kono experienced a traffic accident which made her in a dying condition. From that experience, she decided to be a surgeon with double license of nurse and doctor. The world of surgeon is still male-dominated and she clears a path for surgeon from a perspective of woman with unique ideas. She has done many things including development of surgical equipments which can be used by both male and female doctors and establishment of AEGIS-women which supports female gastroenterological surgeons. In addition, her achievements related to gender equality were highly evaluated and as a result, she was awarded by the government.


京都大学名誉教授、同志社大学客員教授。 1954年生まれ、大阪府出身。京都大学理学研究科附属 天 文 台 長( 1 5 年間 )、京都大学宇宙ユニット長 、日本 天文学会長を歴任。2001年日本天文学会林忠四郎賞を受賞。2020年「太陽及び宇宙における磁気プラズマの特性や振る舞いに関する極めて優れた研究成果」によりアメリカ天文学会ヘール賞を受賞。著書は『太陽の科学』、『とんでもなくおもしろい宇宙』ほか多数。 In 1954, he was born in Osaka. He worked for 15 years at an Astronomical Observatory in Kyoto University as a director. Then, he served as an unit chairman of synergetic studies for space in Kyoto University and a president of The Astronomical Society of Japan. He was awarded the Hayashi Chushiro Prize in 2001. In 2020, He won the George Ellery Hale Prize for his “outstanding work on the properties and behavior of magnetized solar and astrophysical plasmas.” He has written several books such as “Taiyo-no-Kagaku”, “Tondemonaku-Omoshiroi-Uchu” and so on.

Masahiko Kato

フラットフィールド株式会社代表取締役 1964年の大阪生まれ大阪育ち、二人の娘を持つ。 バブル崩壊の煽りでそれまでの建築関係の会社が倒産の危機に全く、異業種の水産会社へ転職し販売に従事。 販売実績が認められ、当時売り上げ日本一だった店舗へ転籍となりバイヤー、販売兼務のマネージャーとなる。 差別化戦略の一環として産直イベントを実施し、行列の出来るイベントを次々と企画した事で多くのメディアより、カリスマバイヤーと評される様になり密着取材で紹介される様になる。その後、退職し起業。 現在は農水省が薦める6次産業化のプランナーとして全国の生産者に寄り添い高付加価値化の為奔走を続けている。 Mr.Kato was born in 1964 in Osaka and grew up there. He is a father of two daughters. Due to the bubble burst, the architecture company he had been working for faced bankruptcy crisis. So he changed a job and started working at a fishery company which was totally different from his previous one and engaged in selling. Then, as a result of his effort, he became a manager of buyers and salespersons at the top store in sales at that time. Because he carried out events of vegetables directly from the farm and organized multiple popular events as differentiation strategies, he caught the attention of a lot of the media as a “charismatic buyer”. Then, he resigned the job and launched a business. Now, He is busy collaborating with producers all around Japan as “the sixth industry planner” that Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MAFF) promotes to add high value to the products.

Miho Akasaka

東京やNYの事業会社や金融機関にて財務会計やM&Aの仕事を経験後、出産のため京都へ戻る。出産・育児をしながら大学院を卒業。関西では大手メーカー での海外事業推進や経営企画、教育機関での学部立ち上げに携わる。 一般社団法人ぷちでガチでは、のべ2,000人以上が参加 する「子連れMBA」を運営し、子育て世代発の社会課題の解決を進める。 She worked as a financial accounting and did M&A in Tokyo and NY before she returned to her hometown Kyoto for birth. While raising kids, she finished her master course. In Kansai she worked in a major manufacturer , promoting overseas business and doing corporate planning and in an educational institution, she engaged with establishing a faculty. At her business "Puchi de Gachi", she is running Kozure MBA(a community where mums can learn with kids) which over 2000 people have participated so far, trying to solve social issues from the standpoint of parents with small kids.

Yuichi Otsuki

二〇〇〇年仕舞「老松」にて初舞台。二〇〇五年「俊成忠度」にて初シテ。「檀風」「烏帽子折」など数多くの子方を勤め二〇一二年に「海士」子方にて子方終了。二「千歳」、「石橋」赤獅子を披く。二〇一三年「翁 父之尉延命冠者」延命冠者にて初面。同年三月に大槻文藏の芸養子となる。二〇一四年師父と共に「大槻文藏裕一の会」を主催、同年十二月に「乱」を披く。「市川海老蔵特別公演」や「大阪クラシック」など他分野とのコラボ公演にも多数出演。

Yuima Nakazato

ベルギー・アントワープ王立芸術アカデミーを日本人 最年少で卒業し、欧州最大の学生コンテストのインター ナショナル・タレント・サポート(ITS)で2年連続受賞。 2009年に自身のファッションレーベル「YUIMA NAKA-ZATO」を設立。 2016年7月、日本人として史上2人目、森英恵氏以来 12年ぶりとなるパリ・オートクチュール・ファッション ウィーク公式ゲストデザイナーのひとりに選ばれ、 コレクションを発表。 その後も継続的にパリでコレクションを発表し、テクノ ロジーとクラフトマンシップを融合させたものづくり を提案している。 Mr. Nakazato graduated from Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp as a youngest Japanese and was awarded two years in a row at ITS which is the largest student contest in Europe. He launched in 2009 his own label YUIMA NAKA-ZATO. July 2016, 12 years after Hanae Mori was selected, he was chosen as the second Japanese guest designer at Paris Fashion Week and introduced a collection there. Since then he has continuously introduced his new collection in Paris, making clothes by fusing technology and craftsmanship.

Organizing team



