TEDxSpokane 2020 is a virtual event due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Henry David Thoreau once wrote;
Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no
seed has been, I have great faith in a seed... Convince me that
you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders.
It is with this insightful penchant that we enter into our own
exploration of wonder. Seeds always carry with them the hope
and dream of the future. The seed only requires a little nurturing of fertile ground, and of course, faith in that inherent
possibility held in every seed. In this way the seed is the
ultimate blending of nature and nurture.
One of the most wonderful things about seeds is that they are
found all around us; not only in our parks or gardens, but also
in our associations, our relationships, and our communities. In
this way individuals can be seen as seeds, helping to grow and
create our potential in our communities. Consider those
individuals in your networks, your organizations, your families,
your communities; those who are nurturing the seeds of possibility. In fact, our community is ripe with seedfolk, ready to
plant, nurture, and encourage the seeds of our community.
Seeds grow within their environment. They become stronger
through their experiences: famine, cold, heat, floods, droughts,
waves or wind. They take a beating, they stretch their roots to
gather nutrients and to establish a foundation. The resilient
seed survives and as a result shapes their garden or community.
Throughout the paper applications and again in the audition
process we heard: act, create, impact, time, community, bridge,
process. The act of “change” takes an agent; someone dedicated to the cause that doesn’t waiver to pressure, succumb to
achievement, negativity or defeat.
Each of our speakers are themselves at various stages of establishing
roots and impacting their environment.
Today Seeds of Community is an exploration of these individuals,
ideas, potentials and possibilities. Each of our TEDx Spokane 2020
Speakers offers us a window, a doorway, a pathway to something
new. These carefully chosen speakers offer the seeds of hope and
wonder, and the pathway to help grow the connections our community needs. Now more than ever we need those who offer us seeds
for the future. The challenges we face as a community now are vast,
but tending to the our seeds of community, offering a little fertile
ground, a holding a little faith, we are more than up to the challenges the future holds: Be prepared to expect wonders.
Sources: Thoreau, Faith in a Seed, 1862/1993
Spokane, Washington, 99208
United States
- Event type:
- Standard (What is this?)
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.