Hiroshi Yoshikawa
Katsuhisa Yamazaki
A biologist
Kazumasa Umemoto
I volunteer in the prison.
Masamune Kawashima
The kindergarten student who dreamed of becoming a principal eventually turned 10 years old and got interested in businesses all over the world. He teaches us the importance of being passionate about what you love to do. 園長先生になることを夢みていた幼稚園生は、やがて10歳になり世の中のビジネスに興味を持つようになりました。自分の好きなことに夢中になることの大切さを、彼は教えてくれます。
Norihito Mayama
A 10-year-old boy spotlights the world of trains and trains that you often use and compares them to the world you are in, reminding you of what's important. Do you take the train to work or school? Is it crowded? What are you thinking about on the train?
日本のダンス界を牽引してきたTRFのSAMが、日本の伝統芸能「能」の「型」「面」から伝わる感情の変化、演目の奥深さ、舞の迫力に魅了され、能楽師の佐野登と共に、実験的身体表現に挑んでいます。そのプロトタイプ的な女性ユニット「SAMSTARS 」が、能とストリートダンスを融合した、伝統を未来へ繋げる世界を表現します。
SAM, a TRF member who has been a leader in the Japanese dance world, is taking on the challenge of experimental physical expression with Noh(Japanese traditional stage arts) performer Noboru Sano, fascinated by the changes in emotions conveyed by the "forms" and "masks" of the Japanese traditional Noh theater, the depth of the performance and the power of the dance. Together with Noh performer Noboru Sano, they are challenging themselves with experimental physical expression.
Sonoko Hayashi
FablabShinagawa Director
Occupational Therapist
Tatsuya Sekito
Working to reduce food loss
Tomohiro Ishii
CEO of Mobilus co., ltd.
Tomohiro Yamasaki
It's easy to create a service that will fundamentally change the world using the technology available in the world. But are the ideas for giving shape to the services that are out there easy to find?
I invite you to experience the rules I've discovered as I believe and act on the idea that there are ideas lying around in a different world than technology.