x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
October 2, 2021
Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Kölcsey Központ
Hunyadi utca 1-3
Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar, 4026
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Debrecen events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Bernadett Pethő

Haiku writer, English language teacher, NLP and cognitive behavioural therapy life coach
She has been interested in haiku since her student days, and especially the poetry of Ákos Fodor was a defining influence for her. In 2016 she tried writing haiku for the first time in an amateur writing community, then in 2017 her first haiku volume "Free Flight" was published, and at the end of 2020 her advent haiku collection. She publishes her own poems on her 'Haiku bonbon' page, which reaches almost 4,000 readers. In recent years, her interest has turned beyond writing to exploring the personal and therapeutic impact of haiku, and she has also used haiku therapy in her coaching activities.

Dóra Balogh

fashion designer
She is interested in the creative process, the practice and theory of design. She studied at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, where she graduated in Fashion and Textile Design Artist and Design and Visual Arts Teacher. She lives in Debrecen, is a fashion and style designer teacher at the Kós Károly Art High School and a PhD student at the University of Debrecen, where she is researching cultural studies and fashion theory. She founded the fashion brand WEALL slow fashion in 2017. She is currently experimenting with season merging and integrating the circular design model into the design and production phase. She is a full member of the Fashion Revolution Hungary Team and the National Fashion League, as well as an educational coordinator.

Éva Balázsné-Hanyu

coach and trainer
Worked as a kindergarten teacher for 15 years, but a serious illness turned her life around. She hasn't been far from children and still works in talent development programmes. She has studied art therapy and embracing and experiencing the arts is an important resource. In her home town, Vásárosnamény, she is a major figure in the cultural life. She is a founding member of the city's amateur theatre company, where she has the opportunity to portray a wide variety of female characters. As a coach and trainer she believes in the power of human relationships.

János Déry

Veterinarian, microbiologist, director of the Hortobágy Bird Hospital and Bird Park. 20 years ago, he established the country's first bird hospital in Hortobágy, where more than 2,500 wild birds are treated every year. With the help of hundreds of volunteers, they run a nationwide bird rescue network and regional sites. At the Hortobágy Bird Rescue Exhibition and during its lecture and educational tours around the country, it raises awareness of the threats to birds and their prevention, which also endanger humans. His experience in behavioural research and life history has led him to conclude that the separation from nature in a hospital environment causes social changes in wild birds similar to the urbanisation of humans.

Judit Tar

lean and quality coach
Judit Becskeházi-Tar has been a lean and quality coach for 25 years and is considered one of the pioneers of quality improvement in healthcare and clinical practice. She has been teaching quality management, quality development and evaluation methods for 22 years. Where words fail, she uses the language of music, art or taste. Ambassador of Excellence since 2006. She has seen great victories and in the same time collapse of firms and people. She has experienced being at the top and being in the maze in her own family businesses. In each case, it was crucially because of a lack of honesty in the attitude to failure and communication at the level of the individual, a family or an organisational culture. All of this has led to a shift of interest towards a learning from mistakes mindset.

László Bajkán

language teacher, tour operator
President of the English Workshop Cultural Association. He is the creator of the Reading in English programme, which covers four counties. In England, he travels with different groups to the mysterious places of the island nation to understand all that is visible around us and to add our own part to the horizons outside and the depths within. With his groups, he manages to discover fascinating and legendary places where there is still a sense of a certain interconnectedness between the spiritual world and our own. Where we can seek answers to the challenges of the past and the questions of our time. And, in doing so, to ourselves.

Levente József Kónya

guiterist-singer, belt maker
Participated in the musical life of Debrecen as guitarist-singer of the bands Kuttya and ÉL. Few people here know that he began his musical career on the trumpet, not on a stringed instrument but on the brass. As a music student he sang in the primary school choir and as a high school student in the College Choir. From his teenage years he performed a lot of street music, and in this genre he won the most prestigious Hungarian award: in 2005 he was awarded the prize of the professional jury at the street music festival in Veszprém. He has been a member of several blues bands in Debrecen and has worked in other interesting projects here and in Sepsiszentgyörgy.

Tamás Kozák

game software developer
Since his student years he has been interested in visual communication, animation, interactive arts and the organisation of related workflows. As an entrepreneur, he has been the manager of a game software development company for over 20 years. His main responsibilities are business development and international relations.

Tünde Herman

obstetrician, gynaecologist, endocrinologist
At the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre Assisted Reproduction Centre, she performs assisted reproductive treatments. She herself has been through a long period of infertility, but is now happy mother of two young children. She feels her most important task is to help as many women as possible become mothers. Hearing the first heartbeats of a new life is a real "doping agent" for her.

Zsuzsanna Bán

She is at home in the field of business law. She tries to compensate for the serious world of law with creative work and brainstorming, including organising a private graduation party, writing and choreographing a play and organising a surprise wedding production. Recently, she has experimented and has also brought her creativity into the field of law. She wants law to be a helping friend in everyone's life. She is looking for answers to how to turn the bogeyman into a helping friend.

Organizing team


Debrecen, Hungary

