Beatriz Ibeas
Bea is an international student with a passion for philosophy and knowledge. She is hoping to give an ulterior approach to climate change and the health of the planet, as well as providing possible solutions to these current issues. Through this speech she is hoping to motivate change and to provide an understanding of the severity of the topic. She explains the extraordinary powers we have to make any change we want, and gives reasons as to why we must.
Iris Abras
Teacher + Poet
Iris Abras is a teacher-poet or poet-teacher (who can tell for the two have become so intertwined and are as one to her) and she also considers herself (in no particular order) a traveler, cat lover, yogi, vegetarian and activist. She has lived in five countries, speaks five languages and has been writing, reading and passionate about languages, literature and words since she was a young child. She has a strong bond with all art forms, having also grown up dancing and doing drama. She has lived in Bangkok and worked at Shrewsbury International School Bangkok since 2012, except for a two-year stint away in Italy, from where she has recently returned with her husband Halldor and her menagerie of beloved pets: 3 cats and a dog.
Leo Ping Leaipailote
Leoping has always been fascinated by the nuances of life, especially how small alterations in how we see the world can have such a profound effect on our lives. Despite this, however, changing perspective is simple yet hard to implement. He would love to share his piece of mind in changing perspective to encourage everyone to be more open-minded and big-hearted.
Ornnattha Skuntanaga
Student + Poet
A student who keeps an eye outside the classroom window for the recent happenings in the world, with an emphasis on the weakening environment and the future’s sporadically transforming opportunities. As a performer with a passion for poetry, MiuMiu hopes to communicate her contemplative views on such matters through her written work, accompanied by the employment of a juxtaposition to another perspective.
Remika Sirikulthada
Remie is a 15 year old student looking to bring about change in the Shrewsbury community, her numerous passions and interests -- be it watching movies, reading and cooking -- can all be associated with the internet, whether it's so find recipes or look for new books and movies. The crossover between her interests and the internet has led her to embark on the journey to learn more about how social media has had an impact on others and her generation
Varisa Sirisook
An avid reader, Nong-Tae has always been fascinated by how stories can shape how we think. In this speech, she aims to explore the effect of various narratives, and how, in the fashion of ‘life imitating art’, the line between fiction and fact may not be so definite after all.