x = independently organized TED event

Theme: (Un)seen power

This event occurred on
October 26, 2019
Kyiv, Kyïv

Can we change the world with one tweet, a dream trip, or a daily job? Our speakers will prove that "Yes!"

Bel étage Event club
Shota Rustaveli St, 16а
Kyiv, Kyïv, 02000
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Bohdan Yaremchuk

Co-founder of the annual Art Camp “Space Camp”, communicator of the DAH Center for Contemporary Art and GOGOLFEST, co-organizer of the first art train in Europe GogolTrain. For the past several years, he has been actively researching myth theory, the psychology of the information society, and the phenomenon of post-truth. Communication in the post-truth era, in the digital era of clip-thinking, is the most gorgeous field for exploring the modern world of which we all are participants. Mythmaking is his way of interacting with the world.

Dmytro Lyvch

Dmytro Lyvch is an economist with 5+ years of professional experience in public policy and market research. He is now a Project Manager / Head of Analytics at EasyBusiness, where he oversees policy and market research in the fields of agriculture, energy and IT. Also, Dmytro is a Manager of Economic Development Group at Reanimation Package of Reforms, the biggest coalition of civil society organizations in Ukraine. Dmytro is a well known public policy expert with 20+ co-authored policy papers and analytical reports, 50+ published articles and 30+ national TV and radio appearances, focused on business climate and investment attractiveness improvement, deregulation and farmland market reform. Dmytro Lyvch holds a Bachelor's Degree in International Economics and Marketing and Master's Degree in Business Administration, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Kateryna Prymak

Having a degree in cultural science, at the age of 21 Kateryna joined the volunteer battalion of paramedics. She is currently advocating the rights of women veterans and is working to form a women’s veteran community. The most important thing for her is human rights, so in March this year Ukraine delegated her to UN headquarters to speak about women’s rights.

Maksym Skubenko

Максим Скубенко – редактор проєкту VoxCheck. Він – справжній профі з перевірки політиків на чесність та прозорість їхніх висловів, тому знає, як, коли та навіщо вони брешуть. Максим переконаний, що правда та політична обізнаність – головні інструменти для створення економічно та політично активного майбутнього України. Максим Скубенко – випускник Львівського інституту банківської справи, студент МВА у Київській школі економіки та колишній аудитор у Національний банк України. Чому люди вірять в фейки? Що я можу зробити задля обізнаності свого найближчого оточення? Якщо ти ставиш собі ці та інші запитання, Максим – твій гід в пошуку відповіді.

Maksym Yakovlyev

Dr. Maksym Yakovlyev is Director of School for Policy Analysis and Associate Professor at the Department of Politics at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy at which he also teaches for the Department of Sociology, Kyiv-Mohyla School of Public Administration, School of Public Health. He did his BA in social work, MA (with distinctions) and PhD in politics (2010). Dr. Yakovlyev was a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford, Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, University of Maastricht, University of Geneva, and taught at Corvinus University in Budapest, Comenius University of Bratislava, University of Helsinki. His research focuses on post-socialist social and cultural transformations, political concepts and ideologies, Ukrainian identity, the Donbas region, and the (post)modern Russian imperialism. He also has a passion for both qualitative and quantitative research methods and is active in translating books into Ukrainian (most recent translations: Erich Fromm “Escape from Freedom”, James Mace “Communism and the Dilemmas of National Liberation…”, Richard Florida “Creative Class” etc).

Mykola Balaban

Published of Inspired and The Village Ukraine. Co-founder of Native Advertising Studio ZDATNI. Adept of content advertising. Mykola was one of the first in Ukraine who began to implement native projects. His Studio sets the rhythm of the native advertising market in the country.

Oleksandr Skorokhod

Oleksandr is a Molecular Biologist, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Research Fellow at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the NAS of Ukraine, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the NAS of Ukraine, a promoter of science, sports and healthy lifestyles. He has been practicing martial arts since the age of 12 and has a karate kyokushin kai I dan (black belt). He is interested in mountaineering, hiking, marathon running and trailing. Running 11 marathons and 6 ultramarathons. Participant in the World Trail Running Championships (Portugal, 2019). Editor of the Trail section of the Track and “Zhorstka Atletyka” portal, author of articles for Feet of the Gods, LiveLong Blogger. The founder of the “Sporty” project: lectures for those who want to train properly and live long.

Oleksandra Balyasna

Oleksandra advocates the rights of tiny patients – those born with a weight from 500 grams. She is the mother of a premature baby herself, the chairman of the Ukrainian Association of Parents of Prematurely Born “Early Birds”, and represents Ukraine at the European Newborn Assistance Foundation among the other 70 patient organizations in the world.

Olesya Verchenko

Olesia Verchenko is the Professor and Vice President of Economic Education at Kyiv School of Economics. She received her Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Virginia in the USA, she graduated from the University of Lausanne with a degree in Banking. Her recent research focuses on research in pricing models, macro asset pricing, and financial market analysis.

Tetyana Mykytenko

Journalist and blogger, a collector of children's books, the country's chief observer of “raguli” and a forest cleaner simultaneously. Believes that goodness is impossible without the ability to stand up for oneself and one’s interests. This is what she has been doing for the last 10 years to inspire others to do the same.

Viktor Artemenko

Studying for Viktor Artemenko is a never ending story. He lives in a constant research on how education is organized in different countries of the world. Starting from the student years, he engaged in various kinds of social activities, representing the community of Ukrainian students at the European level. He took part in numerous exchange programs, including Canada, Sweden and France. On top of that, he completed an internship at the European Seaport Organization in Brussels, where he managed to set up an information system for all European ports. He organized many visits of the EU former ministers-reformists to Ukraine, and was one of the organizers of the experience exchange program for civil servants of Ukraine and Poland. Last but not least, he coordinated the Open University Reform Program. During his work at the USAID Health Care Support Team in Ukraine, he participated in the development and implementation of development strategies in Ukrainian medical education. He enjoys playing sports, running marathons, conducting trainings on project management and organizing networking events.

Yuriy Bugay

Co-founder and managing partner of StudyDive, an online platform for offline lectures, seminars, workshops. Visiting Lecturer at the School of Management of the Ukrainian Catholic University and International Business Institute (IIB) Former Head of the eHealth Project Office overseeing the development of the eHealth functionality needed to launch health care reform. One of the coordinators of the public procurement reform of Prozorro at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. Before the Ministry, Yuriy worked at METRO AG (Dusseldorf, Germany), one of the top 10 retailers in the world, as an internal consultant on the development and implementation of the company strategy in countries such as Ukraine, Germany, Czech Republic and Russia. Yuriy received a bachelor’s degree in political science from the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and a master’s degree in political economy from BI Norwegian Business School (Oslo, Norway). TedX Speaker. Open Government Partnership Award (Paris, 2016).

Organizing team


Kyiv, Ukraine


Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Veronika Harmash