Amy Warne
Climate activist
Amy started her working life in the Tax Office before embarking on a career in waste education. Amy’s passion is composting and gardening, and she has been a committee member of Hilton Harvest Community Garden for ten years and now works as a Farmer at North Fremantle Social Farm. Through work and volunteering Amy has been involved in Living Smart, Earth Carers, Sustainable House Day, Plastic Free July, Earth Hour, and Save Beeliar Wetlands.
Colin Ashton-Graham
Colin is a Behavioural Economist with almost 30 years experience in the development, delivery and evaluation of sustainability behaviour change interventions. He has applied these skills to infrastructure and service planning in the transport sector and to demand management of water, energy, waste, garden nutrients (river health), physical activity (population health), household waste and transport. Colin’s recent work includes the Technical Lead on behaviour change programs in Western Australia for the Water Corporation, Plastic Free Foundation, Parks and Wildlife, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, Transport, Sport and Recreation and many Local Government Authorities.
Martin Anda
Martin is an environmental engineer with over 30 years experience in the water, energy and built environment sectors. As Academic Chair and Senior Lecturer in Environmental Engineering at Murdoch University, he teaches about transition to a post-carbon society. In 2007, he launched Murdoch University’s Environmental Engineering degree program. He often chairs international conferences in Perth including the World Renewable Energy Congress.
In 2016 Martin was awarded the Pioneer Award from the World Renewable Energy Network for his services to renewable energy industries. He lives in a state-of-art solar eco-house and gets around on his electric bike.
Rebecca Prince-Ruiz
Rebecca believes we all can all take action to reduce our impact on the environment. She is the Executive Director of the Plastic Free Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that champions a vision of a world without plastic waste. She has a Bachelor of Science and 25 years of experience in environmental and waste management, community engagement, and sustainability behaviour change. Rebecca is a regular media commentator, public speaker and co-author of Plastic Free: The Inspiring Story of a Global Environmental Movement and Why It Matters.