x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Come・Unity

This event occurred on
October 6, 2019
Taipei, Taipei

It used to be that community was the basic unit of society. Today, thanks to advances in technology, ease of relocation, and principles of
modern citizenship, individuals can become less connected with their community of birth. As communal identity becomes transient, more and more individuals may feel lost as they drift away from the mutual trust and understanding that were naturally available in a tight-knit community.

In this year’s TEDxTaipei, we want to examine the bonds that bring people, ideas, and actions together. How do people with different backgrounds forge relationships and collaborate with one another? How do we work together to enhance our understanding and trust of each other, and yet find our own permanent identify in today’s society?

Come join us in celebration of great ideas that are already impacting our community, and explore how you can foster such growth.

Huashan 1914 Creative Park
#1, Sec. 1, BaDe Road
Taipei, Taipei, 100
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Taipei events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Daniel Kinzer

----- 2010年獲得國家地理頻道雜誌首位師資培育計畫(Education Fellow)之榮耀,2014年有兩年的時間行走中國、新加坡、馬來西亞,現任美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校環境學院客座副教授。 身為一名旅行家、冒險家和教育家,Daniel Kinzer的生活、工作和學習區域橫越7大洲,在70多個國家留下足跡。2013年與 John Francis 攜手合作,將Planetwalk計畫推廣至亞洲地區,並於2018年獲得國家地理頻道雜誌 葛洛佛納師資培育計畫(Grosvenor Teacher Fellows)之榮譽。 Daniel Kinzer is an educator, adventurer, designer, ocean lover and ecologist. His travels to all 7 continents and 4 oceans, and time spent with youth around the world, set him on a journey to (re)discover Nature’s Genius, become a better ancestor, and help grow a generation of change makers and stewards of our one and only Blue Planet.

Gail Sophicha

----- 來自泰國清萊的Gail今年13歲,本於對音樂的熱愛,從小就學習鋼琴、烏克麗麗及吉他等樂器,近年獲得《泰國達人秀》亞軍、台灣歌唱節目《聲林之王》第4名,並選擇留在台灣發展。年齡、性別、國籍都不會侷限音樂的發展,只要用熱忱詮釋,觀眾便會感受到用心。 Gail Sophicha is only 13 years old but is already a regular presence on stages in Taiwan and Thailand. Born in Chingmai, Thailand, Gail has a love for music since young and can play the piano, ukulele, guitar and several other instruments. She was placed second in the Thailand's Got Talent Show and ranked 4th in Taiwan's Jungle Voice singing competition.

John Francis

----- 具環保主義者、人權與和平宣導者、作家、音樂家、教育者、地球行走者等多重身份。曾有21年沒有搭乘或駕駛汽機車,其中有17年選擇性地保持沈默,無聲地走遍全美48州及南美洲,用步行方式傳遞環保訊息。他曾在2008 TED 大會上分享他如何用將近30年的時間,靠著帆船與雙腳旅遊全球。 Dr. John Francis, Planetwalker is a conservationist, human rights and peace advocate, author, musician, artist, educator, and explorer. His 21 years of not riding or driving in motorized vehicles and 17 year silent walk through The Americas set him on a journey to heal the planet that continues to this day.

John Francis & Daniel Kinzer John Francis & Daniel Kinzer

----- 具環保主義者、人權與和平宣導者、作家、音樂家、教育者、地球行走者等多重身份。曾有21年沒有搭乘或駕駛汽機車,其中有17年選擇性地保持沈默,無聲地走遍全美48州及南美洲,用步行方式傳遞環保訊息。他曾在2008 TED 大會上分享他如何用將近30年的時間,靠著帆船與雙腳旅遊全球。2010年獲得國家地理頻道雜誌首位師資培育計畫(Education Fellow)之榮耀,2014年有兩年的時間行走中國、新加坡、馬來西亞,現任美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校環境學院客座副教授。 身為一名旅行家、冒險家和教育家,Daniel Kinzer的生活、工作和學習區域橫越7大洲,在70多個國家留下足跡。2013年與 John Francis 攜手合作,將Planetwalk計畫推廣至亞洲地區,並於2018年獲得國家地理頻道雜誌 葛洛佛納師資培育計畫(Grosvenor Teacher Fellows)之榮譽。 Dr. John Francis, Planetwalker is a conservationist, human rights and peace advocate, author, musician, artist, educator, and explorer. His 21 years of not riding or driving in motorized vehicles and 17 year silent walk through The Americas set him on a journey to heal the planet that continues to this day. Daniel Kinzer is an educator, adventurer, designer, ocean lover and ecologist. His travels to all 7 continents and 4 oceans, and time spent with youth around the world, set him on a journey to (re)discover Nature’s Genius, become a better ancestor, and help grow a generation of change makers and stewards of our one and only Blue Planet.

Krishna Lokaa

----- 7歲開始關注社會議題,創立Happy Hearts Happy World行動計畫,年年召集來自不同國家的青少年一起規劃執行貧困村莊轉型服務,期望突破種族種族、文化的界限,以簡單的智慧與沉思進行合作實踐。 (語言:英文) Lokaa Krishna is a 16-year-old student and the founder of Happy Hearts Happy World. She convened young people from different countries to plan and implement the transformation plan for poor villages. She hopes to break through the boundaries of racial race and culture and practice cooperation with simple wisdom and contemplation.

Lokaa Krishna

----- 7歲開始關注社會議題,創立Happy Hearts Happy World行動計畫,年年召集來自不同國家的青少年一起規劃執行貧困村莊轉型服務,期望突破種族種族、文化的界限,以簡單的智慧與沉思進行合作實踐。 (語言:英文) Lokaa Krishna is a 16-year-old student and the founder of Happy Hearts Happy World. She convened young people from different countries to plan and implement the transformation plan for poor villages. She hopes to break through the boundaries of racial race and culture and practice cooperation with simple wisdom and contemplation.

周書毅 Shu-yi Chou

----- 十歲習舞,二十歲開啟獨立編舞與舞者的藝術生涯,透過舞蹈審視生命連結身體與社會環境的關係,並在不同城市中,延續探索舞蹈與自然的距離。 A dancer since the age of 10, Shu-yi Chou wants to examine the relationship between life, the body, the society and nature through his dance.

徐志雲 Chih-Yun Hsu

----- 臨床醫學及十多年同志運動的經驗,發現社會至今對於同志議題仍有諸多扭曲與誤解,也看到醫學和社會的語言還有許多扞格不入的地方,希望能做點事縫補這些缺憾。2015年在台大醫院開設全台第一個同志諮詢門診,提供多元性別、性傾向、性少數族群及其親友的諮詢,並結合醫療與資源轉介,最終期待有一天可以不再需要同志門診。 Over the past decade, psychiatrist Chih-Yun Hsu has been actively involved in providing educational and support resources on a range of LGBT topics. In an effort to open up dialogues between LGBT individuals and their family members, in 2015 he launched Taiwan's first LGBT mental health counseling service at the National Taiwan University Hospital. One day, Hsu hopes to see a world without stigma and discrimination against the LGBT community, as well as the use of his LGBT counseling services. -----

曾寶儀 Bowie Tsang

----- 歌手、主持人、演員、作家集於一身的全方位藝人,豐富的主持經驗涵蓋整個華語地區,各大國際電影頒獎典禮、大型晚會、跨年活動主持。近年來更參與主持、策劃紀錄片《明天之前》製作,探索人類未來將共同面臨的科技、社會、人文等顛覆與變革,並思考如何在這樣的變化中與自我、與他人相處,以及與這個世界連結關係。 Bowie Tsang is an accomplished actor, singer, writer, and television personality. She also has had extensive experience hosting large award ceremonies and televised events in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Her most recent work is a documentary series that examines how ongoing changes in the field of science, technology and humanity has forced individuals to re-learn about their connections with themselves, each other, and their communities. -----

李友專 Yu-chuan Li

----- 為提升病人安全與品質而努力,致力發展更貼近臨床需求所用的醫療人工智慧科技。是臺灣現今病歷電子化重要推手、醫學資訊及醫療人工智慧之先驅,並曾獲選國際健康資訊學院創始院士、美國醫學資訊學院院士、澳洲醫學資訊學院院士、臺灣資訊產業最高桂冠-傑出資訊人才獎、十大傑出青年等多項殊榮。近卅年來積極奔走國際,結合醫學與資訊雙項專業不斷突破創新,將臺灣醫療人工智慧優勢推向全球。 A pioneer of Al in medicine, medical informatics research and a practicing dermatologist, Yu-chuan Li has been a part of several national projects and international projects on translational biomedical informatics and patient safety. He has served as VP of Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI), President of APAMI, and is now the President-elect of International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA).

李取中 Fines Lee

----- The Big Issue Taiwan》雜誌創辦人、《The Affairs 週刊編集》總編輯。 2010 年將源自英國倫敦的社會企業雜誌ㄏ帶進台灣發行,以「Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.」為核心精神,帶給人們對於雜誌形式以及社會企業的運作模式有更多的想像空間。台灣大誌於 2018 年獲得國際街報組織頒發的最佳設計獎項。 2017 年成立編集者新聞社,同時發行報紙型態的刊物《The Affairs 週刊編集》,期待嘗試提供更多元的訊息內容、更多樣的媒介傳遞形式以及更多媒體運作的可能性,再次挑戰傳統媒體營運思維。《The Affairs 週刊編集》於 2018 年同時獲得日本 Good Design Award Best 100 及台灣金點設計獎年度最佳設計獎項。 Fines Lee is the founding editor of "The Big Issues Taiwan" which won the "Best Design Award" at the 2018 Global Street Paper Summit. In 2017, he launched a newspaper magazine "The Affairs" in an attempt to revitalize print and bring about greater diversity in the media space. The Affaris Weekly won Japan's Good Design Award Best 100 in 2018 and Taiwan's Golden Pin Design Award in 2019.

李霽 Chi Lee

----- 建築背景,探索空間設計的過程中,開啟了關於植物的思考創作,李霽認為,人應該依附在環境裡生存,而不是把自己放在空間的中心,反讓植物成為外圍一種制式的裝飾。2013年開始專注獨特植物裝置藝術的創作,成立質物霽畫,不僅僅進行一種美學表現,還具有概念性,去結合更深度的議題,跟觀看者、參與者產生共鳴。 An architect by training, Chi Lee began thinking about botanical art when he was exploring design in space. For Lee, humans should emerge into the environment instead of treating oneself as the center and letting others be decorations. He began focusing on botanical decoration art in 2013 and founded BOTANIPLAN VON LEE CHI which explores the relationship between plants and space, breaking past boundaries of formality to convey messages and new ideals within the work.

林亞玫 Ya-Mei Lin

----- 林亞玫在陪伴孩子的過程中發現,公園空間被千篇一律的塑膠遊具取代,為找回屬於兒童的遊戲空間,林亞玫與其他媽媽們組成「還我特色公園行動聯盟」,一同站上社會運動的第一線,為孩子們爭取屬於他們的遊戲權利。 Ya-Mei Lin is one of the co-founders of Parks and Playground for Children by Children. Her group works closely with city officials and designers in ensuring that the play equipments in public parks are uniquely designed to stimulate children's physical, social, emotional and cognitive skills. -----

林德恩 Te-En Lin

----- 投入台灣野生動物生態保育研究與推廣迄今20年,研究的物種類群經常發生路殺,為深入了解道路設計對動物的威脅,2011年成立路殺社的網路社群平台,讓公眾一同參與路死動物調查與回報,引起廣泛討論,並推廣大眾對生命的尊重。 Te-En Lin has been involved in wildlife conservation and related educational initiatives for over 20 years. He is the founder of "Roadkill Club", an online community for individuals to report and monitor roadkill incidents.

梁皆得 Liang Chieh Te

----- 台灣知名生態影片攝影、導演,作品曾多次入圍金馬獎及榮獲許多國際獎項。從小對鳥類相當有興趣,一次因緣際會下加入了鳥會活動後,便踏入了鳥類觀察的行列。期待透過鳥類生態記錄片拍攝,喚起民眾關懷土地及與生物的意識,在未來可再現人與鳥禽的和諧共存美好時光。 Liang Chieh Te is a renowned wildlife cinematographer and director in Taiwan. He has been an avid birdwatcher since childhood, and has discovered critically endangered species in Taiwan, including the Chinese crested tern. His works have received numerous Golden Horse Award nominations and various international recognitions.

王昭湄 Chao-Mei Wang

長年致力於台灣社區發展及環境教育工作,希望能結合環境教育及博物館的專業與志趣,建立社區型環境學習場域的典範。在雲林縣口湖鄉成龍村駐村工作期間,和美籍策展人艾婕音女士共同策劃執行的「成龍溼地國際環境藝術計畫」,結合環境、藝術、教育、社區、保育等各面向之關懷,從2009年辦理至今十年,讓原本因地層下陷失去希望的成龍社區重新振興,並創造出不同的人文風貌。 Chao-Mei Wang is the managing director of Kuan-Shu Foundation. She helped launch the Cheng-Long Wetlands International Environmental Art Project, an annual environmental art residency program that focuses on creating various forms of ecological art and community development activities in Cheng-Long Village of Yunlin, Taiwan.

陳冠宇 Guan-Yu Chen

----- 人類對生命長遠的追求能否隨科技演進一同進步,而非建立於其他生物的痛苦之上? 陳冠宇在體外仿生及智慧感測系統的研究開發上,嘗試尋找解答。2015年於交通大學成立智慧型生醫系統設計實驗室,近年陸續榮獲科技部「年輕學者獎」與LUSH Prize反動物實驗大獎「亞洲區年輕學者獎」。 Guan-Yu Chen is a bio-engineering researcher focusing on finding ways to create intelligent alternative to animal testing through organs-on-chips technology. A recipient of the Lush Prize Young Researcher Award, Chen founded the Biodesign & Intelligence Laboratory at the National Chiao Tung University in 2015 and continues to explore new technology that could develop new assessment model for health effects that does not involve the killing of animals.

陳幸延 Xing-Yan Chen

----- 5年前進入農業領域,學習水稻及蔬菜種植。自己管理田區時發現目前台灣農耕方式對於石化資源的依賴及土地環境劣化問題,便開始鑽研友善農法。2017 年,受到 「開源生態計畫 — Open Source Ecology」概念啓發,開始 Open Hack Farm — 開放農業實驗基地計畫,期望連結農業從事者、工程師、研究學者和所有農村文化支持者,將適切科技導入農村裡,也藉由自造者文化,試圖解決農業資訊落差問題。 Xing-yan Chen became a farmer five years ago where he learned how to grow crops and plant vegetables. Through the process, he discovered that Taiwan's faming technique is highly reliable on oil resources and higly polluted, so he began to study environmentally friendly farming techniques. In 2017, inspired by the concept of Open Source Ecology, he launched Open Hack Farm, connecting farmers, engineers and acadmics to bring new technology into the farms. In the process, Chen not only solved farming problems, but also created a culture of pro-active problem solving.

魏廣晧 Stacey Wei

----- 音樂家、大學教授、推廣者的多重身份,自紐約回台後,活躍於台灣爵士樂壇,並積極推廣爵士樂,2015年在東華大學成立以爵士樂為主修的音樂系。他相信爵士樂不單單是技巧展現,更需要思考生命,透過不同的感受,歷練及情感的累積,才能真正堆疊出屬於自己的「即興」風格。 Stacey Wei is a Taiwanese jazz musician and university professor who believes that jazz music is not just a show of techniques but a reflection of deeper thoughts on life. Only through years of practice and accumulation of emotions and thoughts, can a jazz musician build his own style of improvisation.

黃宗慧 Tsung-Huei Huang

----- 投入動物保護運動至今超過20年,有感於台灣在動物倫理議題的關注及探討上腳步過慢,為加速台灣動物保護教育,自2006年起在任教之台灣大學開設通識課程「文學、動物與社會」,透過文學作品中的人、事、物,引導學生主動關心動保議題、參與動保行動。 Tsung-Huei Huang is a professor in the foreign languages and literatures department at National Taiwan University (NTU) and a veteran animal welfare advocate. Her popular "Literature, Animals and Society" course at NTU uses literary short stories to engage students in considering human-animal relations from a place of curiosity and reflection.

Organizing team




Taipei, Taiwan