x = independently organized TED event

Theme: 行走

This event occurred on
July 20, 2019
Hangzhou, Zhejiang





Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 311000
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Hangzhou events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Amir Galor

高哲铭: 前以色列空军F-16战机和特技飞行队飞行员; 英飞尼迪私募股权基金创始管理合伙人;INNONATION(创新国度)的创始人 前MATI高科技集团的CEO;前以色列商业发展中心(BDC)网络咨询和投资银行执行官; Former Israeli Air Force F-16 fighter and aerobatic pilot; Former CEO of MATI Hi-Tech Group; former Executive Officer of Network Consulting and Investment Bank, Israel Business Development Center (BDC) Managing partner of Infinity Equity Group, founder of Innonation. Father for 4 children.

Chenxiao Li

李晨啸: 酷爱玩电子音乐的浙大95后创业者 苹果公司WWDC Scholarship Winner,主创的app被推上Apple App Store首页 第三届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛金奖获得者 Li is a post-95s Entrepreneur from Zhejiang University, who is enthusiastic in electric music; Li is the scholarship winner of Apple’s WWDC, His leading APP was promoted in Apple store as a hot product; Li also won the Golden prize in the 3rd China “Internet +” College Student Innovation Competition.

Haoyi Li

李豪逸 现就读于文理学院Grinnell College 西方古典研究系 第八届冰心作文奖一等奖;杭州市少年文学院院士 高考同题作文《书生》被《人民日报》转载并走红网络 Grounded on the culture, walking in the world/ Li is currently a student from Grinnell college, majoring in Western Classical Studies. Li won the First Prize of Bing Xin Composition award; he is academician of Hangzhou Teenager Literature College; his well acclaimed article Shu Sheng, the same name as Composition for College Entrance Examination went viral after being reprinted by People’s Newspaper.

Qiu Mi

architect and cross-disciplinary artist
米丘: 建筑师、跨领域艺术家 82 年同济大学建筑系毕业,曾任职于国家建设部;87年挪威奥斯陆大学访问学者; 上海大学“米丘现代艺术工作室”创建人; 上海中心大厦艺术总监;上海中心大厦巅峰空间雕塑“天眼”创作者。 2006 年威尼斯建筑双年展“艺术及建筑杰出贡献奖”;同年意大利都灵冬季奥运会年度庆典艺术总监; 2008年意大利奇维达莱—德尔弗留利罗马第一公国(联合国世界遗产级)古城规划设计总规划师、艺术总监; 2016年敦煌(联合国世界遗产级)规划总规划师; 2019年文化联合国“文明复兴”项目艺术总监 Mi is an architect and cross-disciplinary artist He graduated from the Department of Architecture from Tongji University in 1982 and once served in the Ministry of National Construction. He was a visiting scholar of Oslo University in Norway in 1987. Mi has expanded his career to many world wide programs in last decade, such as Venice Biennale of Architecture Award for Excellent Contribution to Art and Architecture in 2006; served as director of Art of the Annual Celebration of the Winter Olympic Games in Turin, Italy in 2008, and as a General Planner and Art Director of the Planning and Design of the Old City of Chivudale-Del Friuli, in Rome in 2008, Also served as a General Planner of Dunhuang in 2016,

Raz Galor

Israeli media entrepreneur
高佑思: 90后犹太人,以色列在华创业者,歪果仁研究协会YChina创始人 毕业于北京大学国际关系学院,江苏卫视《世界青年说》TK11成员 2018年,入选Forbes 30 Under 30 (2018) Israeli media entrepreneur. Based in China. Forbes 30 Under 30 (2018). Graduated from Peking University in Beijing. Founder of global video content start-up Y-platform歪果仁研究协会 TK11 Member of Jiangsu Satellite TV World Youth Talk

Rong Sheng

盛荣: 她用人生一半时间定义制作人。2000多位企业家,社会名人走进过她的画⾯。王石的《斜杠人生》,冯仑的《風馬牛》,易中天的《一起聊聊》,王潮歌的 《致敬专业》⋯ 她把中国的原创喜剧第一次搬上海外邮轮。她还在开拓跨国展览、艺术疗愈...... 她说,制作人四门功课,心重,手欠,躲在幕后,肆意妄为 Rong spent half of her life re-defining the title of producer. She has been worked with more than 2000 entrepreneurs and social celebrities in her films such as Slash Life of Shi Wang, Feng Ma Niu of Lun Feng, Talk Together of Zhongtian Yi, and Respect the Professionals of Chaoge Wang. Those Chinese comedy have been shown and introduced to the world for the first time. Now, she is working on international exhibition, art therapy and more. Like she explained, there are four major skills a producer should be equipped with—— thinking hard, acting bold, hiding behind the scene, doing what you want.

Yan Liang

Associate Professor
梁琰: 清华本硕、美国明尼苏达大学博士、中科大特聘副教授; 科学可视化艺术家,《美丽化学》主创; 国际顶级学术期刊Science, Nature Materials, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Photonics封面作品 Liang is a BS and MS from Tsinghua University; a Phd from University of Minnesota- Twin Cities; Yan is also an Associate Professor in University of Science and Technology of China; a Science Visualization Artist; The creator of Beautiful Chemistry; His works have been selected by Science, Nature, Materials, Nature Biotechnology, and Nature Photonics as periodical covers.

Yang Gao

Assistant Professor
高阳: 清华大学交叉信息研究院90后助理教授 计算机视觉、强化学习以及自动驾驶领域研究者 伯克利大学博士,伯克利人工智能研究院(BAIR)联合主任Trevor Darrell弟子 Yang is a post-90s Assistant Professor of Institute of Cross-Information in Tsinghua University. He is a researcher in Computer Vision, Intensive Learning and Autopilot He is also a disciple of Trevor Darrell, a PhD from UC Berkeley University and co-director of the Berkeley Institute of Artificial Intelligence (BAIR)

Yinghao Yang

杨英豪:《最强大脑》第五季百人赛综合排名第一,中国战队最年轻队员; 揽获华罗庚金杯全国数学邀请赛、希望杯全国数学邀请赛 多个数学大赛一等奖 Yang ranked No. 1 in the one-hundred-people final contest at season 5 in the popular TV program Super Brain. He is the youngest member of team China. Yang was awarded first prize of many Match competitions, such as National Mathematics Invitational Competition of the Hualuogeng Gold Cup and the Hope Cup National Competition, and so on.

Zhaocheng Wang

王兆承: 曾任职省一级重点中学;知名互联网公司“幸福乡村战略”长期可持续发展顾问;浙江省社创之星、中国NGO“乡村振兴领头雁计划”咨询顾问 Wang once served as a teacher in a first-rated key middle school, he is a consultant of the well-known internet company called “Happy Village Strategy” in sustainable development and also a consultant of the NGO of China “Village Revitalization” plan; he earned the title of Zhejiang Social Creator.

Organizing team


Hangzhou, China


Hangzhou, China
  • Chumeng Ye