Daria Maslova
Director of MOOCs (massive open online courses) production and support centre at National Research Tomsk State University. Her major is making education more modern and comfortable for everyone. She also trains universities' and schools' teachers to use digital tools and make efficient presentations. Co-founder and member of trainers team in Non-boring report School.
Dmitrii Konkov
Associate Professor, Faculty of Historical and Political Sciences (TSU), Candidate of Historical Sciences, coordinator of the track "Man and Society" at the Bachelor’s Core of TSU.
Elena Erofeeva
Historian, guide, author of the project 'I'm your city. Let's get to know each other'.
Eleonora Novikova
Associate Professor, Faculty of Philology (TSU), Candidate of Philology, Master's degree student in Master Program Art&Science, coordinator of the track "Artistic World and Art-Practices" at the Bachelor’s Core of TSU.
Evgenii Gozun
Entrepreneur working in urban planning.
Julia Osachenko
Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy (TSU), Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, scientific supervisor of the project "The Bachelor’s Core of TSU".
Maxim Vaganov
Media designer, CEO Insta-media Poster (Tomsk)
Olga Gil
Olga Gil has been teaching English for 13 years and managing people for 7 years so far. She's passionate about travelling and communication with people. Her language school is called Druziya, which means Friends in Russian. She believes that it is possible to find something great in each situation and something in common with each person.
Vassa Aleyis
Psychologist, art-therapist, 'Probudis' soul lab founder.