x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Opportunity

This event occurred on
August 25, 2019
Langfang, Hebei

Whether we realize it or not, everything we experience is at least one opportunity. Opportunity can be wrapped in a gift box, and also can be disguised as a challenge and even a risk. It is like finishing any drawing, what we draw depends on what we see. What do you see?

We are going through fast changes everywhere in the world. Where do these changes and happenings lead us, or what do we see about where we can head towards among all the possibilities?

Our speakers share the opportunities they saw and want to invite you to have this opportunity to meet with something you would not know without joining us in this 1/100 TEDxYanjiao event.

HoPEX Studio
Room 212, Zhong'eryingxiang International Plaza
Yifeng Street No.114, Yanjiao, Sanhe
Langfang, Hebei, 065201
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Yanjiao events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Jensen Moreno

Award-winning artist, Founder of Jensen Moreno Fine Arts, Designer, Art Teacher, Director of Arts at Joy El International Academy
Jensen is a Filipina artist based in Beijing. Her most recent painting exhibitions were very successful in China. “Hall of Fame,” her 5th solo painting exhibition was sponsored by the A.C. Art Museum. It was followed by “World-class” hosted by the Philippine Embassy for the ASEAN Ladies Circle gathering where Lady Ambassadors and Mesdames were the major guests. “Phenomenal” was her 7th solo exhibition sponsored by the Poly International Plaza and was attended by some prominent people in Beijing and H.E. Ambassador Chito Santa Romana in June 2019. Jensen painted celebrities and personalities she has met during her career in the Philippines, Vietnam, and China. She has participated in several group exhibitions including those in Austria and Slovakia. Jensen received recognitions and international art awards from Hong Kong and Italy and was nominated as one of the TOP 20 Most Inspiring Contemporary Artists of the world by WCA. She now works as a full-time art teacher and Director of Arts.

Perlita T. Pengson

My name is Perlita Pengson, a wife and a mom of three. My family and I have been in China for almost 30 years, and this is now our 2nd home. As a mother and my passion for helping the young minds, I decided to take my path to become an educator. Part of me refuses to stop learning, and every day while teaching the young minds, I'm also learning from them. I grow up in a home that's full of people with kind hearts and close to each other. This inspired me to start my community service in Beijing. Most of my community consist of my fellow Filipinos, but I am also with expat communities. Working with them in charity projects and being connected with them indeed made my Beijing life more with a purpose.

Ray Heng

Chef + Owner of Pebbles Courtyard Mexican Bistro (卵石庭院)
My name is Ray, with love for basketball, cars and graduated as a graphic designer, hoping one day that I become useful in fields I love. However and absurdly, when I got married my wife, and I became restaurant owners with no experiences neither skills of any kind in the food business, all we had was guts of 20-year-olds who’s full of energy and excitement… And now into our 10th year running, it has been like a rollercoaster ride, big ups and downs! During this decade long running a business, I became super passionate about Mexican cuisine, so obsessive that I became an expert in Mexican cooking, as well as earned myself culinary arts certificate as a chef. With constant travels to the U.S and Mexico in the recent years following chef Rick Bayless' footsteps, he is multiple James Beard Award winner/celebrity chef / TV personnel / Book writer, and most importantly, my mentor! I’d love to share the love for this colorful cuisine with TEDx, Beijing, China… And wherever it touches.

Shengnan Cicy Zhang

Education Specialist & Lead of Curriculum Development at BrainCo
Cicy, master in educational technology innovation from the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE). She founded the Brain Association at HGSE and was shortlisted for the Rhodes Scholar Program in 2016. Cicy participated in the national education reform program of Colombia’s Ministry of Education, developing a national teacher training system. With her experience in numerous international development organizations, she started “YouthPower” in 2012, designing social innovation and leadership training courses for high school students, covering more than 300 schools in China. Cicy is a guest lecturer in design thinking and social innovation at Stanford University, a panel speaker at the 2018 United Nations Asia Pacific Youth Summit, and a Chinese-English interpreter serving APEC summit, meetings of government officials in the US, etc. Beyond that, Cicy is an internationally certified life coach and has over 1000 hours experience in leadership training and life coaching.

Sunny Wang

AICI CIP, Image Trainer, Fashion Designer, Author, Founder of Image Coordinate Magic Cube System (ICMC), Founder of International Sunny Image Institute (ISII)
I’m Sunny Yun Wang, AICI (Association of Image Consultants International) Certified Image Professional, expert image consultant, fashion designer, and I have ten publications in my field. I enjoy sharing an exciting topic with you at this TEDx event, Clothing and Self-expression! According to the 2015 survey in the United Kingdom, every day, when a lady chooses her clothes, it breaks down to about 12 minutes every workday morning, 10 minutes every weekend morning, and about 27.5 minutes before a night out. Do you care what you wear? You should do! You should bother to care about what your clothes say about you. Well, you might think, everyone gets that, but how, how to decide what to put yourself in with more energy saved? Join me at this TEDx event and practice my magical method to build creative self-expression with ease!

刘 源

本人今年三十八,本科来自哈工大,随遇而安看缘分,硕士就读合工大 纸上学来总觉浅,立志知行走天下;毕业进入富士康,系统思维那里扎; 有幸过招与苹果,经验认知提升大;聘满离开自创业,方悟求胜心切了; 兵败教训足够多,阳明洞内思过崖;做事之前先练心,找到方向再出发; 此时为2013年,3D打印元年,演讲内容将从这里开始...

夕 禾

前咨询顾问,现投资人。北大本科,美国西北大学凯洛格商学院MBA 。 不相信“王子公主从此幸福地在一起”;相信“两个成熟的普通人有意识地吵架、一起成长” 今年的目标是做好脱口秀演员。联系方式:公众号“中关村村花”

宋 帆

我叫宋帆,在北京工作的一个普通人,占据千万格子间中的一个,以前这个工种叫白领,现在叫社畜。 本来呢,想跟大家分享社畜的生活,比如朝九晚九比如早晚高峰…比如写不完的PPT和各种发生在下班时候的会议。 直到有一天我接触了vlog这个内容,透过这些内容,我看到了更多人闪亮的生活。 我很好奇,他们是如何让生活多姿多彩的。 于是我和朋友开始做一个叫做 利器xVLOG的微信公众帐号,用于发现有趣的volgger和他们的创造工具;觉得不过瘾,也开始尝试自己的vlog:社畜sisi爱看综艺 ,记录生活和自己的爱好。 在这个过程中,我发现了一些通过vlog让生活闪亮的规则,希望把它们分享给大家。

贾潘 天骄

光脚大胆往前走,望十年后我仍有这般不减狂骄。 贾潘天骄,学生。2016年就读于芝加哥艺术学院,艺术史理论批判与交流专业,目前休学。当身边的人都在为自己的未来迷茫踌躇的时候,我也思考着一个相关的问题。不同于我毕业后做什么工作,更多的是好奇这个世界存在多少种人生角色的可能。所以13岁起我就开始和不同职业的人打交道。2009年考入北京市中学生通讯社。借着小记者的身份2012年采访了上海世博会的工作人员和时尚芭莎的编辑。初中的时候机缘巧合又做了群众演员,阿森纳对曼联那场比赛的鸟巢检票员,业余时间做摄影师给顾客拍写真,到了大学又在学校职业规划办公室兼职,帮学生改简历指导面试技巧。2016年在大学兼职做职业规划同辈辅导,负责修改学生简历以及指导学生面试技巧。2018年3月在芝加哥Jackson Junge Gallery参展并进行行为艺术作品“59” 演出。2018年9月开始接触哔哩哔哩自媒体,自学运营技巧,目前已更新55期视频。2019年6月在美国官方难民服务中心芝加哥分区做叙利亚难民志愿者,负责照顾叙利亚难民10岁以下儿童以及辅导其课后作业。每一种人生角色都给我带来了前所未有的体验,结交不同的朋友,感受不一样的生活。无论是好是坏,都是我人生无法用金钱衡量的财富。 空中楼阁,无中生有甚至是异想天开,这些词儿似乎都可以完美形容梦想这东西。我还特意查了一下现代汉语词典对于梦想的定义:1幻想,妄想。2渴望。3梦想的事情。其实就是简单的对未来的一种期望。梦想通过一场艰难的考试,梦想申请到某家公司,梦想得到一份真挚的爱情,梦想成为某一种人。在实现人生大梦想这条路上,我现在也在高速路的服务区,正准备加油续航,谈不上什么大成就。但对于我来说,这个词儿也可以相当接地气儿。就像在厨房我准备自己的午饭一样。 厨房就好比是我自己,厨房里的各种调味料就像是我的能力,或者叫经验也可以。能否从厨房里端出一份美味的午饭,这就像是梦想实现的过程。当然有的特殊调料不一定会出现在你的厨房里。我曾经端出过5份完美的午餐,实现了当时最渴望做的事情,或许我人生的大梦想就像是满汉全席一样,会被无数的小梦想拼凑而成。这5份佳肴都是经历了怎么样的烹饪过程,我想把我的经验分享给大家。或许有了这个秘方,明天的午饭,会有所不同。

Organizing team


  • Catherine0412 Li
    Team member
  • Charlotte Sun
    Team member
  • Yanfen Lu
    Team member