Alex Monaco
He is a best-selling author with two books to his name – “Laimingi šunsnukiai” and “Sielos drabužiai”. Also, a blogger with over 100 000 followers on different platforms as well as an entrepreneur, having sowed the seed of a highly reputable e-learning platform – Onbotraining, which was awarded at MIT (MITx Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp).
Audrius Šaras
Public speaker
Audrius Šaras is a debater, public speaker and current president of Kaunas Jesuit High School.
Justinas Drakšas
President of ELSA Vilnius
President of ELSA Vilnius and member of Lithuanian Youth Council Revision commission.
Milda Santonckytė
Chief organiser of a learning program
Our next speaker is Milda Santockytė, chief organiser of tech educational project for high school students „Pralenk ateitį” at Turing School. She is an alumna of Kaunas Jesuit High School and is now a student at ISM University of Management and Economics as well as a volunteer in “Open House Vilnius 2019”.
Roberta Danieliūtė
Public speaker
Roberta is a high-school student and a public speaker from the Kaunas Jesuit High School, which will be giving a speech on the portrayal of sexual intercourse in movies.
Vidas Raudonis
Professor at KTU
Dr Vidas Raudonis is a Chief Researcher of a scientific team “Smart Automation Control Systems”, Associate Professor, and a CEO of “Power of Eye”. Dr Vidas Raudonis has worked for more than 12 years in the field of image processing and artificial intelligence. He is interested in creating equipment that facilitates the lives of people with disabilities.