x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Değişen İnsan, Değişen Bilim /Changing Human, Changing Science

This event occurred on
February 15, 2019
Istanbul, İstanbul

Bugün, yakın geçmişte bize hayal gibi gelen bir teknolojinin kullanıcılarıyız. Zaman içerisinde teknoloji ve bilimde kazandığımız bu ivme ile birlikte alışkanlıklarımızın da aynı hızla bu değişime ayak uydurduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Kullanım alanlarımıza göre farklı şekilde ilerleyen teknoloji; sağlık, eğitim, günlük yaşam pratikleri, sanat gibi birçok alanda kendisine yer bulmaktadır. Bu alanların en önemlilerinden biri olan sağlık alanında, yapay zekâ ve kişiye özel tıp uygulamaları sıklıkla karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Özellikle Alzheimer gibi yaşlanmaya bağlı görülen nörodejeneretif hastalıkların tedavisinde bu yaklaşımlar; günlük hayatı sürdürmek için gerekli olan temel bilişsel ve davranışsal fonksiyonların artırılması ve günlük yaşamın daha konforlu hale getirilmesi açısından önemlidir. Tedavi kadar hassas olunması gereken tanı aşamasında da erken ve doğru teşhisi koyabilme şansını artıran yeni cihazlar ve tıbbi görüntüleme teknikleri yine teknolojinin en değerli getirileri konumundadır. Artık sahip olduğumuz zenginlikler robotik cerrahiyle önemli ameliyatları yapabilmek veya uzuv kaybı yaşamış kişilere yeniden uzuv geliştirmek gibi uç noktalara kadar taşınmış durumda ve taşınmaya da devam etmektedir.

Hepimizin ortak noktası olan günlük yaşam içerisinde ise teknoloji; akıllı telefonlar, cebimize sığacak kadar küçülmüş bilgisayarlar, kısacası günün her saatinde ve her yerde kullanabileceğimiz aygıtlar şeklinde gelişim gösterdi. Bu da insana her anını, gerçek yaşamdan biraz koparak farklı bir dünya olan sanal alemde yaşama imkânı verdi. Sanal alem denilen şeyse insana hem bir şeyler kazandıran hem de bir şeyler kaybettiren bir kavram olarak bünyesindeki bu zıtlıklarla varlığını sürdürmektedir. Bir tıkla dünyanın öbür ucundaki kişilere ulaşabilirken, aynı zamanda bir tıkla mahremiyetimizden bazı konularda feragat edebiliyoruz. Başkalarıyla ciddi bir etkileşimde olduğumuz bu alemde gördüklerimiz gibi olmak ve onlar gibi yaşamaya yönelik birtakım uğraşlara girer hale geldik. Önemsediğimiz şeyleri birçok noktada bu sanal dünyaya göre şekillendirmek gibi birtakım çabalarımızın oluşunu ve buna bağlı olarak da değerlerimizi yeniden yaratıyor oluşumuzu göz önünde bulundurursak beğenilme kaygısı taşımak veya sosyal olma algımızı sahip olduğumuz cihazlardaki uygulama sayısına indirgemek gibi eğilimlerimizin olması şaşırtıcı gelmemektedir. Yeni akıllı aygıtlar sayesinde muhteşem bir hıza ulaşan insanoğlu, bilgi edinme konusunda da korkutucu bir hıza sahip oldu. Korkutucu olmasının nedeni ise ulaştığımız yanlış bilgilerin çok fazla olmasıdır. Yaşadığı her şeyi bilmek, anlamlandırmak isteyen insan için de internet artık başucu kaynağı olmuşken, ulaşılan yanlış bilgilerin bu noktada ne kadar yanıltıcı olduğunu görebiliriz. Bilginin fazla olması insanın ufkunu genişletirken, dijital olması da bilgiyi kolayca kontrol edilebilir ve çarpıtılabilir hale getirmektedir. Bilgi teknolojisinin ulaştığı boyutta insana düşen sorumluluk makinaların ve robotların yapamadığını yaparak bilgiyi ilerleme amaçlı kullanmaktır. Bu yeteneğe de yaratıcılık diyoruz ve yaratıcılığı yapay zekâ ve robotların gerçekleştiremediği bir bilişsel işlev olarak değerlendirebiliriz. Bu nedenle bu yüzyılın gözde yeteneği yaratıcılık olmalı ve insanlar yaratıcılığı ortaya çıkarmak için eğitilmelidir.

İşte teknoloji insanın hayatında bu kadar önemli ve etkileyici bir konumdayken; teknolojinin insanın iyi oluşunu da etkilediğini söylemek doğal bir çıkarımdır. Teknolojinin geldiği korkutucu büyüklük insanı bilgi kirliliği altında kaybolmaya iterken bu kirlilikten en az zararla çıkmanın yolu iyi oluş ve kişisel mutluluğu artırma olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. İnsan kendini tanıyarak, içsel dünyasını anlayarak iyi ve mutlu olabileceği durumları keşfedip rotasını çizebilir. 20. Yüzyılın en gözde meslekleri bilgi teknolojileriyken 21. Yüzyılda kişiler arası ilişki gerektiren meslekler de öne çıkmaya başlamıştır. Bunun en önemli nedeni insanın iyi oluş, sosyal uyarım ve mutluluk arayışıdır. Bu TEDxUskudarUnievrsity etkinliğinde değişen insan, değişen bilim sloganıyla insanın ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda bilimi nasıl dönüştürdüğünü ve bilimsel keşiflerin sonrasında insanı nasıl değiştirdiğini incelemeye devam edeceğiz.

Today, we are the users of a technology that has come to us as a dream in the recent past. With this momentum we gained in technology and science, we can say that our habits are adapting to this change with the same speed. Technology advancing differently depending on our areas of use; such as health, education, daily life practices, art get a place in many areas. One of the most important of these areas, in the field of health, artificial intelligence and special medicine applications are frequently encountered. These approaches, especially in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's; it is important to increase the basic cognitive and behavioral functions necessary to sustain daily life and to make daily life more comfortable. New devices and medical imaging techniques, which increase the chance of early and accurate diagnosis at the diagnosis stage which should be as sensitive as the treatment, are also the most valuable returns of the technology. We now have the wealth that has moved up to the extremes such as to carry out important operations with robotic surgery or to re-develop limbs for people who have experienced loss of limbs and this wealth continues to move.
The technology that we all have in common in everyday life has evolved into smartphones, computers that are small enough to fit in our pockets, and devices that we can use anywhere and anytime. This gives an opportunity to people in such a manner to break away from real life to live inthe virtual world. The so-called cyber world continues to exist with these contradictions within it as a concept that both bring something and loses something to human. While you can reach people on the other side of the world with a click, we can also waive some issues from our privacy in one click. In this realm we have a serious interaction with others, we have become a part of our efforts to be like what we have seen and to live like them. Considering that we have a number of efforts to shape things that we care about according to this virtual world at many points, and accordingly we are re-creating our values, it is not surprising that we have a tendency to carry a concern of appreciation or reduce our sense of socialization to the number of applications in the devices we have. With the new smart devices reaching a great speed, mankind has a frightening speed to learn. The reason why it is frightening is that there are too many misinformation that we reach. While the internet is the bedside source for every people who wants to know and give a meaning to everything lived in, we can see how misinformation is misleading at this point. While have more information broaden one's horizon, the fact that it is digital makes it easy to control and distort. The responsibility for human beings at the level of information technology reaches is to use information for progress by doing what machines and robots can not do. We call this ability creativity, and we can consider creativity as a cognitive function that artificial intelligence and robots can't accomplish. Therefore, this century's favorite talent should be creativity and people should be trained to reveal creativity.

Uskudar University
Haluk Turksoy sok. no: 14 Altunizade
Istanbul, İstanbul, 34662
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Arıboğan was born in 1965 in Istanbul. She graduated from TED Ankara Private High School and later on from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Relations. She received her master’s and doctoral degrees at Istanbul University and completed her studies on International Security Studies of St. Andrews University in Scotland in 1995. She received her associate professorship in 1998 and became a professor in 2003. After she started her academic career at Istanbul University, she continued her career at Istanbul Bilgi University and Bahçeşehir University. She was the president of Bahçeşehir University between 2007 and 2010. She became a member of Bilgi University’s Board of Overseers in July 2010. She is a member of the 'Global Issues Platform' advisory board and continues her academic work. Concurrently, Arıboğan is a member of “World Academy of Arts and Sciences” established by Albert Einstein and she is the Dean of FHSS at Uskudar University.

Dinçer ATLI

Dincer Atli is currently the Department Head of Advertising Design and Communication at Uskudar University/Turkey. Dr. Atli joined Labor and Employment Relations at Penn State University/USA as a Post-doctoral visiting scholar for academic year 2014/2015. He received his Ph.D. in Media Economics and Management from Marmara University in 2010 upon completion of his dissertation " Human Resources Managements’ New Vision: Talent Management and a Research On Media Companies." His Ph.D. thesis the first in Turkey to focus on the subject of Talent Management, was submitted in 2010. Dr. Atli’s enhanced Ph.D. dissertation was published in 2012 as a book which was the first of its kind regarding Talent Management in Turkey. (2nd edition 2013) He earned his master’s degree in Social Science Institute from Istanbul University in 2006, and his bachelor in Public Relations and Publicity from Istanbul University School of Communications in 2001.


Assistant Professor of Architecture She is graduated from Department of Architecture at Faculty of Architecture at METU. After he finalized her doctorate, he went to Iraq, Iran, Dubai, Abu Dabi, Azarbaycan, Georgia and many other countries, worked as a Project & Construction manager. She gave consultancy for many school & energy constructions in many cities on the east side of Turkey for years. She is still working at Uskudar University and studying Occupational Health & Safety. She had many lectures, participations at Congress & workshops. She is an Occupational Health & Safety Specialist (A level) and at the same time the writer of the Habertürk Newspaper for 3 years.


Dr. Gökben Hızlı Sayar, is an Assoc Prof of Department of Psychology, Üsküdar University, Istanbul. She received her medical training from Hacettepe University in Ankara in 1999 and completed her residency in psychiatry at the Baskent University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara in 2005. She is maintaining psychopharmacology practice and conducting neuromodulation techniques as a psychiatrist at the Neuropsychiatry Istanbul Hospital since 2006.

Hüseyin ÜNÜBOL

Assistant Professor of Mental Health and Disorders He was born in 1983. In 2001, he graduated from the Istanbul 60th High School. In 2001 He begun to study at the School of Medicine in Ege University. He graduated as a medical doctor from Ege University in 2008. He worked at İpek Yolu State Hospital in Van as a emergency doctor for 1 year between 2008-2009. He began to study as psychiatric residency at Erenköy Mental Health Training and Research the Hospital in 2009. He finished his psychiatry residency in 2014 with a thesis as a Psychiatrist. 2 years he had served on the board of the Psychiatric Association of Turkey of Istanbul Branch for 2 years. He completed his Master of Business Administration In 2014. He started to work as Assistant professor at Uskudar University in 2014. He received some trainings about Cognitive behavioral therapies, psychoanalytically oriented therapies, sexual dysfunction therapies and he had also made some panels and presentations about them.


He was born in Istanbul, in 1982. He was graduated from Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa School of Medicine, Medical Biological Sciences. He got his MSc. and PhD. from Sabanci University, Biological Sciences, and Bioengineering. He attended several research projects in Boston, Harvard Medical School, Tufts University and Toronto, University of Toronto. He studies multidrug resistance of pathogenic microorganisms, drug interactions, systems pharmacology. He published in several high impact journals and has two patent applications on drug discovery. Besides his research activities, he is highly interested in technology transfer. He is one of the entrepreneurs of a biotechnology company, SynVera, which has research activities on finding synergistic drug combinations against pathogenic microorganism and several cancer types.


He graduated from Trakya University Faculty of Medicine. He also took part in the establishment of a multi-Hypnosis Association in Turkey. He had presentations at national and international congresses. She completed Psychotherapy Training in Psychotherapy Institute. He hoas an MSc in Clinical Psychology. He developed Vaginismus Treatment Technique with Induction Technique of Hypnosis. He gave a speech on aj Social Responsibility of Vaginismus Disease Ted in Tedx Hospital. He is also working on Hypnomeditation and Hypnoorgasm on Increased Sexual Satisfaction on the Internal Healer in the human mind. He is currently the director of Üsküdar University Department of Traditional Complementary Medicine and Clinical Hypnosis. Hypnosis in Turkey is recognized as one of vaginismus Treatment and women have given their hearts to the Development of sexuality.

Nalan EYİN

Clinical Psychologist
She graduated from Istanbul University, Psychology Department and received his MA degree from Selçuk University PDR. Instructor / Theoretical Knowledge Teacher (Human Performance and Limits & Air Law) Effective and Advanced Learning / Teaching Techniques, Training of Trainer Sexual Therapy: Sexual Brain, Increased Sexual Satisfaction - Hypnoorgasm on ESR There are also studies aiming at the development of female sexuality. She has studies on Psychological Counseling, Hypnotherapy, Decision Making, Time Management, Parent Education, Communication Supervision, Presentation Preparation Techniques, Motivation Patterns, Course Studies on Representation Systems, Exam Preparation for Hypnosis, Human Performance.


Dr. Nurper Ulkuer, is currently a Professor of Child Development at Uskudar University, Istanbul. Teaching Developmental Psychology, Child Rights and Protection, Educational Approaches, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation. Dr. Ulkuer, is also heading the Association of Child Development and Educationists (ACDE). Dr. Ulkuer, is a former UNICEF staff member. Between 2004-2009, she worked progressively as an Associate Professor, and the Chair of Child Development and Education Department at Gazi University, Faculty of Vocational Education in Ankara Turkey. Dr. Ulkuer, is a graduate of Hacettepe University, Turkey with High License (MSc.) In Child Development, later with a government scholarship, she studied at London University, Institute of Education (UK), completing a Post Graduate Diploma in Education, MA in Comparative Education, and Ph.D. in Education.

Rüştü Murat DEMİRER

Dr.R.Murat Demirer graduated from Kocaeli State Architecture and Engineering Academy (YTU) Electrical Engineering Department. He received a master's degree from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Boğaziçi University. In 2000, he worked as a researcher at Kosugi Laboratory in Tokyo Institute of Technology. Between 2002 and 2005, he completed post-doctoral education in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Memphis and the FedEx Institute of Technology respectively. In 2007-2008 he worked as an associate professor in UALR. During his academic year 2008-2009, he worked as an associate professor at the University of Memphis. Currently, he is the head of the Department of Industrial Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Üsküdar University and holds an adjunct professor position in Computer Science department at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock .


Prof. Sermin Kesebir completed the Dokuz Eylül Medical Faculty in 1995. She completed her psychiatry specialty education at Ege University Psychiatry Department. After doing compulsory service in Kırıkkale High Specialty Hospital, she got the title of associate professor at Adnan Menderes University in 2008. Between 2009 and 2014, she was the head of the acute psychosis service as an educational officer at Erenköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital. She holds memberships in Psychiatry Association of Turkey - Scientific Work of Mood Disorders, Abdülkadir Özbek Psychodrama Institute, Halime Odağ Foundation-Psychoanalytical Psychotherapists, Bipolar Life Association, The American Psychiatric Association (APA), the International Association of Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) and the International Mood Disorders Association (ISAD).

Tayfun DOĞAN

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tayfun Doğan graduated from Ondokuz Mayıs University Department of Counselling Psychology. After completion of MA and Ph.D. degrees in Sakarya University, he did post-doctoral research at the University of Kansas as a visiting scholar. He has been contributing to the field of positive psychology, specifically in the areas of well-being, happiness and the meaning of life.

Organizing team


Istanbul, Turkey

