x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Movius strap : Break the boundaries

This event occurred on
March 30, 2019
Ulsan, Ulsan Gwang'yeogsi
South Korea

Have you ever heard the word prosumer? It is a concept that Alvin Toffler first introduced as a synthesized word of producer and consumer. It means that consumers are making products that fit their needs with the producer. The boundaries of concepts that clearly distinguish between consumers and producers. But it become dimmed.
This situation is not the only case. The boundaries of other distinct concepts have also dimmed. (for example, the boundary of transmitter and receiver also dimmed due to advent of personal broadcasting) I am confident that these changes will accelerate more and more. I am interested in this situation and decided to talk about this situation at this event.
And I considered title name which can represent our concept. I called to mind “Möbius band”. The Möbius band is a very famous band with no distinction between inside and outside. I thought this was the best name to represent our theme.

Ulsan National Institute of Sscience and Technology, Banyeon-ri, Eonyang-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan, Korea
Ulsan, Ulsan Gwang'yeogsi, 689-798
South Korea
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

경준 김

업사이클리스트 대표 부산디자인재단 업사이클링 사업 자문위원 참가 건국대학교 업사이클링 디자인 컨테스트 개최 다수 업사이클링 교육 및 체험 프로그램 운영

동기 이

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서영 장

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성범 김

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연정 신

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필희 김

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Organizing team

yeon jeong



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