Ahmad Bayoumi
Ahmad Bayoumi graduated from faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University and holds the masters degree from the GUC with strategic management and marketing majors. Ahmad now is a marketing manager at “Egyptian Steel” and he is the founder of “Hive Coaching”.
Israa Ali
Esraa Ali is a business student in MIU. She loves researching, exploring her inner world. Esraa mostly documents her journeys through her writings hoping that someday this would help others who face their own challenges.
Mariam Ashraf
Mariam is a fresh graduate from Misr International University , faculty of Mass communication.
Mohamed Tarek
Mohamed is a 23 years old graduated from the faculty of mass communication in MIU. He loves reading, designing and writing. Mohammed participated in various student activities, giving sessions in many of them that helped him form his personality into making him people oriented as he is passionate about helping others, making him one step closer to achieving his goal which is being a Radio host.
Rania Wasfie
From her young age she was diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta .when she was 2 years old she travelled to America and made 2 surgeries there.Rania went to school for 8 years then she began home-schooling till second preparatory. But she didn’t stop at this point and began to take some courses.
Yaseen Abdel-Ghaffar
Yaseen Abdel-Ghaffar is a graduate from the American University in Cairo , Majoring in Chemical Engineering. Yaseen is also the founder & managing director of SolarizEgypt.