Kerry Sink
Dr. Kerry Sink is the Marine Programme Manager and Principal
Scientist at the South African National Biodiversity Institute
(SANBI). She is inspired by the infinite possibilities of the ocean,
the discoveries, the beauty, the wonder and things that there’s yet
to find out.
Michael Markovina
Michael Markovina, is a Consultant for Fisheries Monitoring,
Control and Surveillance (MCS) SmartFish Programme, and the
co-founder of Moving Sushi, a non profit company that ‘uses
scientific exploration and open access data to better understand
the social, economic and biological needs for the conservation
and sustainable use of key African marine resources.’
Richard Hardiman
Meet Richard Hardiman, the CEO of RanMarine Technology BV,
an environmental technology company specifically focused on
using drones in ports, harbours, marinas, and inland water
Wendy Foden
Professor Wendy Foden is a conservation biologist who focuses
on providing scientifically robust and pragmatic support for
biodiversity conservation in the face of climate change. She is
an Associate Professor at the University of Stellenbosch and
chairs the IUCN SSC Climate Change Specialist Group.