Jason Hsu
Legislator and Congressman
Jason Hsu is a Legislator and Congressman in the Legislative Yuan Republic of China (Taiwan), and is famous for his innovative legislation, including “Marriage Equality Act” . Also, In 2009 he introduced TED program to Taiwan and became curator of TEDxTaipei and has been serving as TEDx Ambassador for Asia since 2011.
Jason started his child hood in a night market of Southern Taiwan with limited financial resource, but with his curiosity to understand the world and passion to change it, he is never been limited.
Lillygol Sedaghat
National Geographic Storyteller
Lilly Sedaghat is a Fulbright – National Geographic Storyteller documenting Taiwan’s waste management system and innovations in plastics and electronics recycling. She hopes to inspire conscious consumerism – the realization that every choice we make affects the environment - and spark a global discussion on trash with the #MyWasteMyWay.
Using visual art and digital media to promote environmental education, she aims to transform people’s perceptions of trash from something disposable to something valuable. Lilly received her B.A. in Political Economy from UC Berkeley and is an avid freestyle dancer.
Manav Mehta
Red Room Curator
Aspiring to sustaining a rhythm welcoming all walks of life to tune into, and appreciate those around them, as well as what is truest to themselves.
His role at Red Room includes promoting cross culture collaboration, curation of programmes, and gatherings for artists across a multitude of genres. This is done so upon a strong foundation of bards, stewards, faith keepers, masons, scribes, peacemakers, tavern keepers, jesters, sound-scapers, sculptors, musicians, painters, thespians and most importantly, volunteers.
Mark Blackburn
Waste Activist
Waste activist Mark Blackburn challenges the way we deal with trash. He works to highlight how our established model of consumerism is devastating the environment and our health. Working with people from all across Asia, he is re-imagining the way we consume, beyond the “gratification of now” towards a more sustainable future.
Ryan Chang
Student at Taipei European School
Ryan Chang is the Regional Director of LaunchX in the Asia Pacific region and an alumni of the MIT Launch 2016 session. He is an avid entrepreneur in his spare time, having started multiple companies. Ryan is passionate about advertising, the blockchain, and practical applications of innovative technologies. He currently studies in Taipei European School.