On June 18 the 5th TEDxKyiv Conference of ideas worth spreading celebrated Entrepreneurship in Ukraine. There were 18 speakers, who share stories, ideas, theories and practices on how to boost the culture, inspire and sustain entrepreneurial spirit in our city, country, region and the world, in every one of us.
We see entrepreneurship in a very broad perspective: from personal active position of a citizen who sees the opportunities in obstacles — and to successful enterprises with sustainable nature that add value to society.
We want to inspire transition from passive indifferent position to active responsible steps, from consumption style of living to the creation, from scarcity to abundance mindset, from narrow thinking to holistic system thinking. Every human being is born to create. We want to inspire businesses that create the world and the future we want to be part of.
Our friends and speakers weree coming from Kyiv, Lviv, Odessa, Donetsk, Vinnytsya, Moscow, Vienna, Chicago, Bishkek, Tallinn and other cities — from Ukraine, Europe, and beyond.
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.