CEO at TrackMaven | Author of "The Creative Curve" (June 2018)
Allen Gannett is the founder and CEO of TrackMaven, a marketing analytics platform whose clients have included Microsoft, Saks Fifth Avenue, and the Home Depot. He will be speaking on the science behind creativity - can it be engineered? What if Creativity was a system, not a supernatural trait?
Business & Life Strategist
After winning Miss Georgia (Europe), Anna Dolce pivoted careers and began to study restaurants and small business. Today, Anna coaches celebrities and entrepreneurs on how to live a life on their terms. Anna discusses how an experience that provokes a strong positive emotion is complete -- and hospitality is what creates positive emotional responses and completes our experiences.
CEO & Founder of Semplar Science
The importance of questions, not answers, is the dominant paradigm in science and practice. Dr. Brian Glibkowski is a professor, researcher, and entrepreneur. His published research introduces the Answer Intelligence (AQ), the ability to provide the right answers, as a capability all communicators and change agents can harness to exert more influence on the world around them.
Chris Strouthopoulos
Chris Strouthopoulos is a Professor of Student Success at San Juan University where he focuses on student empowerment and leadership. At some point we all experience the fear of judgement. Chris’s talk explores the many ways fear causes us to hold back, how this impacts group performance, and specific strategies to build trust and create open, collaborative, and high performing teams.
Executive Director at Ogilvy
Deborah Riley Draper is a compelling and award winning filmmaker and advertising agency executive, embodying how approval and validation comes from within yourself. She is sharing how she learned to greenlight herself and then hustle (intentional, swift forward movement) to get her films made.
Resident Physician in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) at The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Hammad Aslam, MD is a resident physician specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. His talk explores how the way we view and speak to others regarding their abilities shapes their world, manifesting otherwise hidden differences. By recognizing these barriers and restrictions we place on others, we can change lives.
Candidate for Alabama's 3rd Congressional District
In 2013, Mallory Hagan won the title of Miss America and traveled the country speaking through her platform, Stop it Now: Child Sexual Abuse. Today, she is a congressional candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Alabama’s 3rd district. She is sharing the good news is that courage is contagious, and courageous people are agents of positive change.
Will Courrèges-Clercq
Undergraduate Student at the Georgia Institute of Technology
William Courreges-Clercq is a fourth-year business student at Georgia Tech.. He has worked for SunTrust Bank where he developed his passion for large scale sustainability in the corporate world. His talk reveals the great (and underestimated) way to better our planet is to teach people how they can make small efforts equating to big impact.