TEDxSanAntonio is a nonprofit event organized by the community to discuss Ideas Worth Spreading. Speakers apply for the opportunity share an 18-minutes-or-less talk at the event. The talks are captured on video, live streamed on the web and shared with the community. Members of the community are invited to apply for a seat at the event. Dozens of educators, designers, technologists, community members and businesspeople are working hard to make TEDxSanAntonio happen.
Goals of TEDxSanAntonio include:
1. Spread awareness in San Antonio and Central Texas of the TED organization, its mission and the TEDtalks.
2. Foster and serve as a hub for a TEDx San Antonio community of thinkers, idealists, creators and action agents.
3. Create an event that shares the voices, ideas and actions of San Antonio and Central Texas with the worldwide TED community.
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.