As the key vision of the theme we proposed, the idea of horizon refers to the line, that at the same time links and splits the heaven and earth. All kinds of ideas and thoughts can flow and circulate in this broad system. It rebirths and awakes life and meanings of things, therefore different ideas grow and to be discussed, accepted, challenged, and critically examined in parallel. When the sun goes down and darkness falls in, all things seem to move back to its original nature. In this essence, everyone stands on different position can see the horizon from different angles, in the sense of reflecting the diversity of minds, thoughts, and theories. Such energy embeds in the two sides of horizon exposes the reality of the world, which gives the power of human ills, to enrich us, and make the things and people along the horizon, closely connected together.
2018 TEDxProvidenceUniversity以「地平線」(Horizon )為活動主題與關鍵願景,象徵著連結與裂解的同一性,它是真實與想像、現實與夢想、可知與不可知、可能與不可能、近與遠、虛與實的渾沌辯證。在此中,我們看見創造與超越,看見事物、知識、思想與意義的重新創生。
200 台灣大道七段
台中, Taichung, 433
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