x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Айсуй Давалгаа

This event occurred on
May 27, 2017
8:00am - 6:00pm +08
(UTC +8hrs)
Ulaanbaata, Ulaanbaatar

Бид өмнөх үеийн алдаа оноо, шинэ цагийн амлалт, боломжууд гэсэн хоёр том эргийн хооронд зорчих нэг онгоцонд хамтдаа аялж байгаа билээ. Энэ бол залуус өөрсдийгөө танин мэдэх, сорих, нийгэм, хүрээлэн буй орчиндоо өөрсдийн хувь нэмрээ оруулах, ирээдүйд цогцлоохыг хүсч буй нийгмийнхээ бүтээн байгуулалтанд сэтгэл, зорилгоо нэгтгэн зүтгэх урт бөгөөд хүндхэн аялал. Бидэнд мэдлэг мэдээлэл, туршлага дутаж байгаа ч чадах бүтээх их тэмүүлэл байна. Эргэн тойронд өдрөөс өдөрт шинэчлэлт өөрчлөлтийн дорвитой алхмууд гарч байгааг харж, тэднээс урам зориг авч, цаашид хэрхэн мөн ийнхүү “өөрчлөгч, бүтээгч” болохыг эргэцүүлж байна. Тэгвэл ямар өөрчлөлт хаана гарч байна вэ? Хэн, ямар тогтсон систем, ойлголт, хэм хэмжээг шинээр тогтоож байгаа бол? Хувьсал шинэчлэлийн давалгааг бид манлайлан чиглүүлж чадах болов уу? Айсуй давалгаан түүчээ үе бид их замын хаана яваа бол?

Энэ асуултуудын хүрээнд санал бодол, шинэ санаа санаачлага, бүтээл туурьвалаа олон нийттэй хуваалцаасай хэмээн бид энэ жил нийгмийн манлайлагч, бүтээгч, шинэчлэгч нарыг цуглуулан, TEDxUlaanbaatar “Айсуй Давалгаа” үйл ажиллагааг зохиох гэж байна. 1000 гаруй ороцогчидтой, бүтэн өдрийн турш зохиогдох энэ үйл ажиллагаанд өөрчлөлт шинэчлэлийн их давалгааг хамтдаа манлайлж буй хэн бүхнийг оролцож, хэрхэн хамтарч ажиллах, биенээсээ суралцах, шинэ санаа санаалчлагуудтай танилцах тавцан болно.

"Emerging Waves"
Carried by waves of ever-occurring changes, we are sailing between the shores of past mistakes or future opportunities. The voyage is a challenging one that calls us to explore, discover, and create our society while contributing to and being part of the reality we want to live in tomorrow. We are witnessing astounding innovations and progress daily and drawing up on their success for inspiration. To understand the change and progress we are making as a community, we ask ourselves who is redefining the norms, who is leading the wave of emerging new generation, and in which stage we are faring in this arduous journey?
We will invite creators, thinkers, and innovators of wide range of fields who are truly setting new path of development for us and share their stories with our audience. The event will be, as usual, a platform for us to connect, communicate, and debate about the present we can live to influence the tomorrow we want.

The Corporate Hotel and Convention Centre
Mahatma Gandhi street 15 th khoroo
Ulaanbaata, Ulaanbaatar, 976
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Ulaanbaatar events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.


Jazz band
Dynamic, young, and spontaneous - this is Bluescoopers!

Ata Borgujin

Mongolian Throat Singer + Producer + Live Performer
Ata Borgujin is a Mongolian live looping artist who infuses traditional music techniques with modern elements. He uses traditional Mongolian musical instruments that have become unpopular among the modern Mongolians, as well as beat-boxing, throat-singing and whistling, to make one and only genuine music carrying the cultural heritage.

Batdorj Gongor

Urban spaces architect + Activist
Architect and founder of Ger Community Mapping Center, Batdorj challenges Ulaanbaatarians to "Reclaim your city". Through his in-depth work with locals from Ger Community and activism, he has formulated the success path of sustainable city: the citizen’s knowledge about and love for the city and active involvement in planning the space we call "home". He is also creating a map of Ulaanbaatar city using the open source mapping technology and enabling citizens to have access to accurate information of the city.

Battushig Togtokh

Battushig returned to Mongolia after finishing secondary school in the UK to discover a significant shortcoming Ulaanbaatar had: a dearth of public education and cultural facilities that cultivated the residents in the city. Utilizing his design background and pulling together a team of talented individuals, he started on to solve the problem through innovative design solutions. In this short but compassing talk, he asks his fellow Ulaanbaatarians to imagine a more friendly and people-oriented city and to realize what is missing from our urban space.

Begzsuren Jamsranjav

Lifestyle Consultant + CouchSurfing Host
Begzsuren’s household offers travelers to discover the true nature and lifestyle of Mongolians from the perspective of an insider. He started hosting travelers for free since 2008 by joining the international CouchSurfing community and now has an invaluable journal called “Traveler’s notebook” compassing travelers' reflection of their stay in Mongolia. Having hosted 800 people from over 70 countries in his home, Begzsuren is a local with global stories spanning from his humble home.

Boloroo Buyanjargal

Human Rights Activist + Motivational Speaker
Boloroo works to defy all social stereotypes and stands as proof that "physically disables", term she firmly disagrees with, does not justify the capacities and abilities of the physically challenged people. Her viral videos shedding light on unemployment, lack of educational and vocational support, and stereotype-based thinking towards physically challenged people in Mongolia have caused much debate nationwide. Her story of personal struggle and social pressure brought tears, motivation, and change of perspective to the audience who applauded with standing ovation. She is now working in the Labor Ministry of Mongolia specializing in support of underprivileged citizens.

Bulganchimeg Bayasgalant

Leadership Coach
With an aspiration to lead youth to be more socially involved and gain control of their lives in political sphere, Bulganchimeg worked as the Youth Chairman of the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD) and provided educational training and competency strengthening projects for the Asian youth, especially those from lower-income backgrounds in Mongolia.

Dolgion Aldar

Sociologist and Researcher
Executive director of Independent Research Institute of Mongolia, sociologist Dolgion specializes in project management, strategy development, monitoring, evaluation, and capacity building. She is currently studying the increasing social stratification in Mongolia, its effect, and possible methods we can utilize as a community to prevent from the negative outcomes of it.

Dulmandakh Sukhbaatar

Engineer, Developer, Music lover
Dulmandakh introduced the first music streaming service in Mongolia, offering the much needed option for Mongolia listeners to have access to licensed music on affordable basis.

Enkhbat Dangaasuren

Educator, Serial Entrepreneur
Enkhbat led a successful career in technology business since early 1990's and is well known for introducing internet to Mongolia. Having served as Member of Parliament and as business consultant many years, he is active in community engagement and the civic society. He is now working to bring a major reform into the education system of Mongolia with the project "One Mongolia": an online learning platform to feature academic subjects in Mongolian.

Enkhbolor Gantulga

Passionista + Entrepreneurship consultant
Enkhbolor is an international consultant on Information network technology and innovation promotion. She initiates and carries out projects using non-traditional and innovative approach. The projects encompass goals to strengthen the skills of employees, improve workplaces, promote e-governance, develop infrastructure, accelerate entrepreneurship and green development.

Erdenebayar Nambaral

Comic artist
Following his passion with unyielding determination, Erdenebayar succeeded as a manga artist in Mongolia and gained recognition across Asia with his mesmerizing publications. In his career spanning over a decade, he has published over 100 books and won the Grand Prize of International Manga Awards. With his comic "Bumbardai", he hopes to tell younger generations of Mongolia about their heritage, nomadic lifestyle, and rich history through modern media. Narrating the long but rewarding path leading to International Manga Awards, Erdenebayar tells us the power and importance of staying true to one's dreams.

Erdenechuluun Sanjaa

Humanitarian worker
Erdenechuluun has taken responsibility of raising over 50 children under her roof for the past 20 years at the carehouse "Children of the Sun". Her children, who refuse to be called "orphanage kids", excel in performing arts, life skills, and sustaining the center financially. She takes us on the journey of building this incredible family who support one another unconditionally and share valuable lessons about collective determination, diligence, and value of family.

Gantogoo Sergelen

Artist, Activist
Like many of his generation, Gantogoo immigrated to South Korea to support his family financially, worked various jobs, and sent back whatever he earned to Mongolia. Despite the hardship, he never gave up on his dream to become an artist, eventually participating in competitive Korean music contests and building his music career in the soaring hub of entertainment. Now a major star in both Korea and his home country, he motivates the listeners to pursue their dreams.

Garrett Wilson

Businessman, Humanitarian worker
Garrett Wilson first lived in Mongolia for 2 years and later took an executive position at Wagner Asia Automotive LLC in Mongolia. As an executive of one of the leading companies in Mongolia, he takes responsibility of growing the company as a supportive environment and role model corporation.

Kip Hutchins

Anthropologist + Musician
A graduate student in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Hutchins' research focuses on musical performance and role of education in nomadic pastoralism and urbanization in the 21st century Mongolia. In particular, his research focuses on the morin khuur (horse-head fiddle), urtyn duu (long-song) and bie bielgee (a western Mongolian dance genre).

Luuya Boldsaikhan

Luuya is a self-taught, talented young artist exploring the wide world of electronic music.

Navchaa Tovuu

Pediatrician Navchaa rarely takes a break from her work to protect children and has helped hundreds of parents to heal their children. Concerned about the health care system in Mongolia, Navchaa invests her effort in raising awareness about maternity care, child birth, and caring for the 1000 days of an infant for the public.

Onon Bayasgalan

Environmental activist + Civic Engagement
Onon started the "Tiny Air" campaign upon growing frustrated with ever increasing air pollution in Ulaanbaatar, which rarely measures below the approved amount of pollution in the winter. Through crowdfunding, her team installed 88 air filters in 14 public hospitals and 3 public kindergartens of Ulaanbaatar. She shares how her team, collaborating on volunteer-basis, succeeded in crowdfunding and raising public awareness through innovative approach to old problem.

Tungalagtuya Choijkhorol

Social advocate + Artist
Tungalag determinedly fights for the rights of wheel-chair users and provision of safe living environment through her awareness projects. Having hit many "closed doors" of opportunity to gain access to education, she introduces her mission to open more doors to her younger generation. Her project to install wheelchair inclined roads at the Mongolian State University of Art and Culture was highly successful and proves what can be done by those who were determined to unlock potentials of young people.

Organizing team


Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia