Ashley Fell
Ashley Fell is a social analyst and communicator. She is the Head of Communications at McCrindle, an Australian social research agency.
Daria Vodopianova
Daria Vodopianova is a serial entrepreneur, startup mentor and author with a mission to empower people to surpass their potential. Her website can be found at
Fab Mackojc
Fab Mackojc is a podcaster and entrepreneur. His business ventures include a travel brand offering an effective cure for jet lag.
Jess Vovers
Jessica Vovers is a PhD candidate in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Melbourne, with a focus on sustainable solvents. When she’s not painting herself blue, she’s usually playing video games or riding her bike. Jess advocates for diversity in STEM through her work with Science Gallery Melbourne and mentoring with Curious Minds.
Jhess Knight
Jhess Knight is a puppeteer and puppet maker. She is a founder of Trash Puppets, a Melbourne-based organisation which aims to empower and encourage individual creativity in schools, offices, and at community festivals, by sharing the inclusive joy of puppetry with everyone of all ages, genders and abilities.
Kristian Stephan-Martin
Richard Chambers
Dr Richard Chambers is a clinical psychologist, mindfulness consultant, author and speaker. He started practising mindfulness in 1999 and since then has been increasingly involved in integrating it into mainstream education.
Sébastien Roger de Nuñez
Sébastien Roger de Nuñez is a public speaking and career development coach, as well as an independent filmmaker.
Stephen Bright
Dr Stephen Bright is a clinically-trained psychologist. He is a Senior Lecturer of Addiction at Edith Cowan University in Perth and a founding board member of PRISM, an Australian not-for-profit set up to advance the cause of psychedelic research.