x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Lost and Found

This event occurred on
July 2, 2017
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj

Whiff of spring brings an urge to get rid of unnecessary. Search through the wardrobe, clean the house. Although we abandon unnecessary things, we can find comfort in the feeling of renewal. The material aspect can pull us more than we want to admit. Do you remember the last time you lost something valuable and finally have realized that you don’t even need it?

We can also understand Lost and Found in other than material way. In this hurried times we can quickly change our minds without listening to the counterparty. Increasingly we lose our values, we flee to a rapid conclusion, radical opinions and we find sanctuary in uncritical condemnation.

When we get something, we lose something. Maybe not now, maybe not all at once. We lose ourselves, we lose others, new people come into our lives, we find ourselves. This year we invite you to TEDxBratislava 2017 to gain new insights into the obvious things and also lose prejudices. We will see you on July 2, 2017 in a new building Slovak National Theatre.

Slovak National Theater
Pribinova 17
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj, 811 09
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

AirGym .

Gymnastic duo
The acrobatic group AirGym was founded by the acrobat Tomáš Pintér, who is also academically engaged in the topic of safety in acrobatics.

Caspar Addyman

Developmental Psychologisc
Caspar Addyman is a developmental psychologist who studies how babies learn about the world and how we can learn from them in adulthood.

Ester Wiesner

The musician Ester Wiesner is dedicated to jazz combinations with Slovak folklore and classical music, and her lyrics are also a bit of a folk.

Eva Mosnáková

Narodila sa v roku 1929 v Brne. Jej otec pochádzal z židovskej meštianskej rodiny, mama z remeselnícko-roľníckej českej rodiny. Po potlačení SNP sa s rodičmi skrývala na majeri Laciház u statočných manželov Konrádovcov. Po obsadení Slovenska Nemcami jej rodina bola ohrozená pre židovský pôvod. Dramatické udalosti nastali, keď do Močenku prišiel hľadať ukrytých Židov SS-man Zimmermann z koncentračného tábora v Seredi. Rodina musela opustiť bezpečný úkryt na Laciházi.Obetavo sa o nich staral brat manželky ich záchrancu. Ten sa stal po vojne jej manželom. Aj v povojnových rokoch bol jej život poznačený novou diktatúrou. Manžel bol nespravodlivo odsúdený do uránových baní v Jáchymove. Jej osud bol tak výrazne poznačený pomocou ušľachtilých, statočných ľudí, ktorí ju inšpirujú, aby sa - ako protiklad k nenávistným prejavom, chamtivosti a lžiam- stavala na stranu slušnosti, pomoci iným bez nároku na odmenu, na stranu pravdy a humanity.

Ivana Šáteková

Ivana is a designer uses her uncompromising humor, irony and oversight to reflect on current social issues.

Iveta Chovancová

Field social worker
Iveta is a field social worker who works with women active in the sex industry in the streets of Bratislava.

Jarmila Bednaříková

Jarmila Bednaříková is the author of over hundreds of professional publications dealing mainly with migration in the history of humanity and its influence on the development of civilizations.

Jessica McCabe

Jessica is the author of popular YouTube series How to ADHD focused on educating and supporting ADHD brains around the world.

Jowan Österlund

Jowan is CEO at Biohax International, Swedish company that focuses on biohacking, bodyupgrading and implant development.

Lucia Molnár Satinská

Lucia is a linguist and her research is focused especially on multilingualism in Bratislava and Slovakia.

Patrícia Černáková

As a daughter of permaculture pioneer in former Czechoslovakia, Patricia helps to establish gardens in a permaculture way to get closer to nature.

Robert Coombs

Robert is a technologist and strategist who loves to automate everything that can be automated - including his own job search.

Scott Bedley

Scott is a passionate 'punk-rock' educator who questions the norms of education and wants to reach students hearts.

Slava Epstein

Slava Epstein is a Distinguished Professor at the College of Science, Northeastern University in Boston, U.S.A. For the past 15 years, Slava’s lab has been working on one of the most intriguing biological phenomena: why 99 % of microbial diversity has gone missing from the lab. The basic and applied potential of this microbial “dark matter” is unprecedented, and so his lab has focused on, developed, and reduced to practice innovative approaches to sample and utilize this pool of unexplored species. These approaches created a novel platform for drug discovery that beats the industry standards by orders of magnitude.

Tomáš Brngál

Medical student
Tomáš Brngál je absolvent Lekárskej fakulty Univerzity Komenského. Spolu s Milošom Svrčekom z FEI STU je spoluzakladateľom start-upu Virtual Medicine, ktorý už takmer 3 roky vyvíja unikátnu medicínsku VR aplikáciu Human Anatomy VR. Táto vzdelávacia aplikácia je určená pre študentov medicíny a doktorov, pričom funguje na princípe virtuálnej reality. Mesiac po jej vydaní pre platformu Samsung GearVR si ju stiahli tisíce ľudí v 114 krajinách sveta.

Veronika Rybanská

Veronika is a developmental psychologist and anthropologist who conducts field research on intercultural cognitive development.

Organizing team


Bratislava, Slovakia


Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Dominika Babulicová
  • Peter Jancar
  • Simon Siplak