x = independently organized TED event

Theme: The Present is a Present | 好礼知时节

This event occurred on
September 24, 2017
Chengdu, Sichuan

With a serial stereotyped labels of Panda, Sichuan Cuisine, Mahjong, Carpe Diem and so on, No doubt Chengdu has multiple identities, on one hand it is an inclusive wonderland for long, on the other hand it is well known oriental city around the globe. As such, we believe Chengdu is a mirror image of the World in place!

Nowadays, the pace of shift is accelerating to distract people's attentions from opting out collective thrivability, fast or slow, heritage or edges, native or exotic, naturalism or urbanization, technology innovation or public policies, it is high time to be realistic and optimistic, this year TEDxChengdu will blend the historical wisdom and future hope along the time trace, in order to explore Zeitgeist around the theme of present, with its dual meanings.


快与慢、非遗与时尚、民族风与舶来品、科技创新与公共政策、大自然力量与城市化浪潮,由点及面、以小见大,作为 TEDxChengdu 的首次年度大会,我们将沿着时间的脉络,溯往矣、追来者,探讨“当下”的时代精神。

本次 TEDxChengdu 大会的英文主题:The Present is a Present,取 Present 的双关意义,“当下的”与“礼物”。中⽂主题“好礼知时节”,取英⽂主题的“时间”与“礼物”意象,演生于唐朝著名文⼈杜甫描述锦官城(即古时成都)作品《春夜喜⾬》中的诗句。

我们将围绕 TED “广传创见”的核心理念,邀请世界各地来自科技、教育、文创、商业、设计、娱乐等领域近 20 组讲者与表演者,寄望在农历秋分时节,为生活在及向往天府之国的人们,寻得一份仪式性的表达,分享更多的乐观主义情绪,以此作礼,殷盼收悉!

Chengdu, Sichuan, 610017
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Psychological consultant 心理咨询师
for the Post 512 Aid Station, renown Internet Company and Fortune 500. Now he is one consultant in ZENGQIFENG Psychology Workshop. Furthermore, he is the author of “Why Sichuanese Are So Optimistic”, which is popular online. This time, from the perspective of social psychology, he would like to guide us to be optimistic like a Sichuanese. 他拥有逾十年的心理咨询执业经验,累计咨询时长超过五千小时。曾先后服务于 512 灾后驻点、知名互联网公司与世界五百强企业,现就职于曾奇峰心理工作室。他是网络红文「四川人为什么迷之乐观」的作者,这次他将从社会心理学等角度引导大家学习,如何像四川人一样乐观。


Educator / Filmmaker 教育者
Twenty-five years ago, he founded the Sichuan Dujiangyan Guangya School and has been the President so far. Prior to this, he had worked as a professional violinist, television producer. And his works of The Discovery and Excavation Sanxingdui, Chen Mapo Tofu, The Holiday of Baima People, Ten Years of Tianfu, have received important awards. He is also active in many Chinese and foreign cultural, educational exchanges and social activities. Through a variety of life experience, he will share the wisdom on how to raise a kid from birth. 二十五年前他创办了四川都江堰光亚学校并任校长至今,在此之前,他曾先后做过专业小提琴手,电视编剧及导演,其中作品「三星堆发现、发掘」、「陈麻婆豆腐」、「白马人的节日」、「天府十年」等曾获得重要奖项。他也活跃于诸多中外文化教育交流相关的社会活动。他将透过丰富多样的人生阅历,分享对于「三岁看大」的思考。


IT expert 总监咨询师
He is one director consultant of ThoughtWorks, and holds MBA from Liverpool University, as well as over 15 years’ rich working experience in IT industry, focusing on information construction of finance, government, telecom, logistic and other fields. In recent years, he has concentrated on applying IT to build public health system for the poorest communities around the globe, whilst he began to feel the the complexity of interaction between technology and society. He is also the Chinese translator for “Reconstruction” , “Software Craftsmanship” and so on. This time he is willing to spark our discussion on “Sharing Economy”. 他现任 ThoughtWorks 总监咨询师,拥有利物浦大学 MBA 学位,并在 IT 领域有超过十五年的丰富从业经验,专注于金融、政府、电信、物流等行业的信息化建设。最近几年,他致力于用 IT 技术在全世界最贫困的地区建设公共卫生体系,推动当地社区正向发展,并因此对于技术与社会的复杂关系与互动产生了浓厚兴趣。同时他曾翻译了「重构」、「软件工艺」等多本软件研发领域的重要著作。他将激发我们在「分享经济」领域的思想碰撞。


AI expert 人工智能专家
While studying PhD at TUT in Finland, Dr Yuan co-founded and currently serves as VP of SeetaTech. She committees to the development of human-computer visual, video structure analysis, and also involves in the field of face recognition, general target detection and tracking, ground target search, vision based air obstacle avoidance, heterogeneous data migration research and so on. Through the vivid cases, she will try to help us understand the transformative applications of unmanned intelligent systems. 她联合创立了中科视拓任副总裁,并于芬兰坦佩雷工业大学攻读博士学位。她深耕于无人机视觉、视频结构化分析领域的研发,也涉及人脸识别、通用目标检测跟踪、地面目标搜索、基于视觉的空中避障、异构数据迁移等领域的研究。她将试图通过生动的情景案例,帮我们理解无人智能系统的变革性应用前景。


Business reporter 城市商业研究者
Graduated from the Department of Journalism of Fudan University, she is currently one of the editorial board members in CBN Weekly. Having once conducted in-depth business researches among the new first-tier cities including Hangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu and Changsha, now she is in charge of the New First-tier Cities Project, aiming at decoding business charm and transformation in Chinese cities by integrating relevant data both online and offline, and providing a fresh perspective for urbanization. She would facilitate us to think again if cities in China turn uniformed? 她毕业于复旦大学新闻系,现任「第一财经周刊」编委。曾深入杭州、武汉、长沙等新一线城市进行长时间的商业调研和报道,现负责新一线项目并任主编。她发起成立新一线城市研究所,主攻以数据新闻的方式探索和分析中国城市的商业魅力及生活方式发展与变迁,该机构致力于整合线上线下全面的城市商业大数据,用新鲜视角为城市管理者、城市开拓者和城市人提供丰趣有价值的数据内容和数据服务。她将带领我们思考:我们的城市是否越来越像了?


Neuroscience researcher 神经科学家
Holding a PhD in Psychology from the University of Durham in the UK, he is currently a 1000 Talent Professor at the School of Life Science and Technology in UESTC, focusing on establishing how the human brain interprets social and emotional information and how this becomes impaired in psychiatric disorders. He is also investigating new neurotherapies for psychiatric disorders based on administration of the neuropeptide oxytocin, voluntary control of brain activity and connectivity using neurofeedback and computer and video game technology. This time he will spot light on his life long research. 他是国家千人计划引进专家,现任电子科技大学神经疗法、社会认知与情感神经科学实验室负责人。他发现了催产素在大脑中的产生及其亲社会作用,结合近四十年神经心理学领域的科研经验,致力于探索精神疾病治疗方案的理论依据。在诸多国际顶级刊物上发表多篇高引用论文,学术影响力广泛而深刻。他将为我们介绍未来的精神疾病非侵入性疗法。


Founder 创始人
He initiated the True Story Campaign, the first-ever platform for non-fiction writing in China. It excavates true stories, and gathers non-fiction writers and their intellectual properties, and offers script solutions for Reality TV show, eventually in order to realize the social potential of true stories. Prior to this, he worked in the Infzm, Youku, GQ, etc. His topic will be titled as An Unprecedented Self-Expression Experiment. 他发起真实故事计划,属于国内首个非虚构写作的真实故事平台,致力于发掘真实故事,聚合非虚构类创作者及其知识产权,为现实题材影视剧提供故事解决方案,并最终促成真实故事的价值实现。在此之前,他曾先后供职于南方周末、优酷、GQ 智族等媒体。他的分享题目是「一场前所未有的自我表达实验」。

LI KE & XIAO MING 里克 & 小明

They are the co-founders of Wildfire. Like now lives in a courtyard in Sanshengxiang outskirt of Chengdu and is also in charge of a handmade Chi-Pao workshop. During a trip before, Li Ke met Xiaoming and started living together in the courtyard. The concept of returning to the yard as a possibility of anti-urbanization has brought Wildfire huge repercussions on the internet. This time they will share fascinating anecdotes behind this lifestyle. 快节奏的都市生活,有人涌入,也有人逃离,方向只有两个,动机却千差万别。一个青年艺术家,一个室内设计师,在偶然的旅行际会后,开始了共同的生活尝试,居住在成都郊区的院落。这段看似逆城市化的举动,两人的体悟却不尽相同。


VP 创始副总裁
He is currently the VP at Base FX, the largest in China and the top VFX and animation company across Asia. He also played an active role in the founding of PSA and CPPA, spending rigorous efforts to promote healthy development and resource integration of the industry. As well as, extensive experience in investment promotion and themed entertainment industry from government and FIEs in China. He would display the scene behind Monster Hunt. 他参与创立 Base FX 并任副总裁,以企业运营者的身份推动 Base FX 从十二人团队发展成中国最大、亚洲顶尖的电影特效和动画公司,并见证团队斩获三座艾美奖最佳视觉效果奖和两次奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖提名。此外,他还参与发起和创立了中国影视后期产业联盟及亚洲视效预览协会,积极推动产业融合发展。在进入视效产业之前,他曾在中国政府和外企工作多年,在招商引资领域和主题娱乐产业方面有着丰富经验。他将以「胡巴养成记」为题,分享他眼里中国特效行业的发展与现状。


Writer 作家
Born in 1986, Qi Jin Nian had five books published ever since her age of 19. Novels and short story collections like "Lights on the Land", "Everything about the youth", "The portrait of a boy", "Remember, Darling", "Lines on the Dust", "The ember of time", "Lights and Nights" had brought her the high reputation among Chinese post 80s’ writers. With several literature rewards at national level, her works have been introduced and published in Hong Kong and Taiwan. She also holds Master Degree in International Journalism from Hong Kong Baptist University, and she would be presenting the beginning of self-discipline. 她十六岁以作品「被窝是青春的坟墓」在文坛崭露头角,获得第六届全国新概念作文大赛一等奖。代表作包括散文集「灯下尘」,长篇小说「大地之灯」、「澜本嫁衣」等, 其中「尘曲」荣获第九届华语文学传媒大奖最具潜力新人奖,「平生欢」获 2014 年紫金人民文学之星长篇小说奖。她拥有香港浸会大学硕士学位,曾翻译爱尔兰作家 Claire Keegan 作品「寄养」,主编过「近在远方」主题书。她将分享自律的起点。


Founder 创始人
He is founder of kakamf, a blockchain related startup applied in real estate, he is an experienced real estate investor as well as more than ten years financial field experience. Prior to this, he was chief IT architect and general manager of financial sector in Bank of China, then he engaged in the establishment of LeFinance. He will be sharing his practices in blockchain. 他是咔咔买房创始人,房产投资研究者,拥有近十年的金融领域资深从业经验,曾任中国银行总行消费金融事业部项目经理、IT 架构师、财务经理,也参与创立乐视互金理财平台。他将以「用区块链盖房子」为题,分享区块链技术在国内外一线城市房产投资领域的应用实践。


Brain researcher 脑认知科学研究者
Professor Gu works for School of Computer Science and Engineering in UESTC, and he holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science from University of Pennsylvania, and has been the candidate of Thirteenth Batch of National 1000 People Project Youth Program. He put forward a control model of brain network, established a link between brain network cognitive control and engineering control model, which provides a feasible new idea for understanding the brain cognitive control function and gains pioneering theoretical achievements, and resulting in a profound significance for intelligent control model. Also being an neurotic system development researchers, he will lead us to explore the frontiers of human potential development. 他现任电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院教授,拥有宾夕法尼亚大学应用数学与计算科学博士学位,第十三批国家青年千人计划入选者。他提出了大脑网络上的控制模型,建立了脑网络认知控制与工程控制模型之间的关联,为理解大脑认知控制功能提供了一种可行的新思路,以及开拓性的理论成果,这些对工程智能控制模型的建立意义深远。由此,研究领域也涉猎神经系统发育的他将带领我们见识人脑潜能开发的前沿探索。


Artist / Composer / Programmer 新媒体艺术家
He obtained cross-disciplinary academic background, and is always committed to innovation and creation from a perspective of musical anthropology and listening philosophy. He focuses on cross-media electric music and sound installation, by presenting media content on the stage or in the space of art museum. His prominent works include “Ma Niu Ye”, “Aphonia” and so on, some of which helped him earn a series of prizes inside the industry. Additionally, he is a contract artist with APPLE STORE. This time he would make his statement on the recent work named Orders. 他兼具工科与艺术的跨学科学术背景,长期从人类学、哲学中汲取营养,专注于听觉和音乐的研究及创作,作品以跨媒介电⼦⾳乐和新媒体声⾳装置艺术为主,代表作包括「鱼说」、「失声」、「玛妞叶」等。作品曾获得业内重要奖项并展览于海内外,同时他也是 APPLE STORE 签约艺术家。他将展示新作品「秩序」系列,分享背后的创作理念。


Environmental scientist 环境政策研究员
Professor Zhang is an environment policy researcher at the Institute of New Energy And Low-carbon Technology, Sichuan University, mainly engaged in the study of environmental policy, environmental regulation, environmental law, agricultural non-point source pollution control, ecological agriculture, city waste management, etc. She received her PhD in Environmental Policy from Stanford University and continued her post doctoral studies in Environmental Engineering. She used to be a lecturer and visiting scholar. She has rich experience in policy research about environment and climate from Thinktank to Institute in both China and America. She will share her experience in community building and leadership project as an example, to discuss why women empowerment crucially impact on sustainability. 张教授现供职于四川大学新能源与低碳技术研究院,主要从事环境政策、农业面源污染控制、生态农业、城市废物管理等方面的研究。曾在斯坦福大学获得环境政策博士学位,继而攻读环境工程系博士后,并历任授课讲师和访问学者。先后在中美两地的智库、研究所等非政府组织拥有丰富的环境、气候及相关领域政策研究经验。她将以亲历的社区营造及领导力项目为例,介绍女性赋权在可持续发展议题上至关重要的影响。


Product designer 产品设计师
Served as Flickr web client experience designer, Uber China senior product designer, Mr Liu is now the product design director of Mobike. In a shared bicycle hot today, through the scene design, he led Mobike’s product extension in the field of travel products core business, which committed to the bicycle riding experience and value enhancing as well as city glorifying. He believes that good design leads to goodness. To meet the demand, to solve the demand at the same time can also create users more sense of achievement and pleasure, and he will explain why. 现任摩拜单车产品设计总监,曾先后担任 Flickr 网页端体验设计师,Uber 中国资深产品设计师。在共享单车火热的今天,通过场景化设计,他主导了摩拜单车在出行领域核心业务上的产品延展,致力于提升骑行的体验与价值,使城市更美好。 他相信好的设计是向善的力量,满足需求的同时也能给用户带来更多的成就感和愉悦感。


Founder 创始人
He launched, and several renowned educational projects like DE Future Training Camp, Education Invisible and so on. Adhere to the belief of “To grow up is to experience; To be outstanding is to experience extraordinary challenge”, he leads thousands of children of different backgrounds, including children from remote rural schools and migrant’s children school, to participate in hunger games like hiking and surviving 100 kilometers in Gobi, deserts, mountains and forests and so on. He would like to share why teenagers need “Adventure Education” during their growth. 他发起创办了中国教育研究网,DE 未来训练营,黑板擦行动等富有声誉的教育项目。秉持「所谓成长,就是经历;所谓卓越,就是经历非凡」的理念,六年来他带领数万名全国及世界各地,来自各类学校的孩子,包括传统名校、国际名校、边远学校、打工子弟学校等,在戈壁荒原、高山林地中徒步一百公里,在原始丛林、海岛、沙漠中进行野外生存和饥饿游戏,用一块钱在全球的陌生城市里进行一天到半个月的生存挑战。他将解读为什么青少年成长中需要一些「冒险」教育。

Organizing team


Chengdu, China


Weston, FL, United States
  • Carrie Zhou
  • Jay Du
  • Jialu Song
  • Likun Xie
  • Too Liu
  • Wenjun Li