x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
March 9, 2017
10:50am - 2:10pm CET
(UTC +1hr)
Poznań, Wielkopolskie

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Adama Mickiewicza
ul. Hipolita Cegielskiego 1
Poznań, Wielkopolskie, 60-101
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Mickiewicz­High­School events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Agata Sieradzka

Member of a tap dance formation for over two years, fancier of body music and other unusual ways of creating music. Agata first got to know body music in 2015, during her participation in workshops at the International Tap Dance Festival in Stockholm and has been captivated by this way of sound-creating ever since.

Alexandra Krawiec

RSA representative
Alexandra Krawiec is a passionate Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and its Polish Connector. She is fascinated with science, nature, and space exploration. An ardent proponent of gender equality, diverse society and women's leadership. Alex authored several science-related documentaries and conducted numerous captivating interviews. She is a bad karaoke singer but a pretty good cook.

Anna Przybyłowska

Anna Przybyłowska - first grade student, attends a class with an extended program of IT, mathematics and physics. Besides IT and maths she enjoys handiwork and is a big fan of owls.

Filip Kazubski

Filip Kazubski - student medycyny, wolontariusz projektu Leczymy z Misją, absolwent Ósemki. Pasjonuje go żeglarstwo, jest instruktorem nurkowania.

Hanna Konopka

Hanna Konopka attends a class with an extended program of IT, mathematics and physics. Big fan of different ways of expressing oneself. She's interested in painting and drawing.

Hubert Balcerzak

Hubert to uczeń klasy informatycznej. Spędza czas wolny tworząc silnik gier Warp oraz rozwijając swoje zainteresowania - informatykę, fantastykę i fizykę.

Jakub Langa

Jakub Langa – third grade student, passionate about medicine and esports. Last year got into a different kind of skateboarding that inspires him every day.

Jakub Macierzyński

Jakub Macierzyński, English teacher. Independent traveller, keen on visiting off-the-beaten-track destinations. As a ballet lover he jumps at any chance to see ballet shows while circling the globe.

Juliusz Kaczanowski

Juliusz Kaczanowski, historyk. Nauczanie historii jest jego pasją. Ceni sobie poezję i filozofię rozumianą jako przyjaźń człowieka z mądrością.

Krzysztof Woźny

Krzysztof Woźny - a nineteen-year-old high school student, passionate about Information Technology, foreign language learning and fantasy literature. Second place winner in the nationwide WDI IT Competition of 2016. Dreams of making a successful video game in the future.

Marcin Rajczak

Marcin Rajczak is the first grade student interested in economy. His dream is to become a millionaire one day and do his best to achieve his goal!

Marek Gulczyński

Marek Gulczyński attends a class with an extended program of IT, maths and physics. He practices running on a daily basis. One of his favourite ways of spending free time is playing the piano.

Piotr Marszałek

Piotr Marszałek – first grade student, for the last three years an active volunteer in “Drużyna Szpiku”, an organization which encourages to donate marrow.

Piotr Stępniak

Piotr Stępniak, first grade student, interested in sport actively and inactively. In his free time he engages in stock market.

Roman Oberenkowski

Roman Oberenkowski - uczeń Informatycznej Klasy Akademickiej. Zapalony elektronik i informatyk. Samouk, który nade wszystko ceni sobie praktyczność.

Szymon Rodziewicz

Szymon to uczeń Akademickiej Klasy Informatycznej w VIII LO. Wspólnie z Hubertem tworzy silnik gier Warp. Interesuje się fantastyką, programowaniem oraz grą na gitarze.

Tatiana Wojcińska

Od najmłodszych lat interesowała się naukami przyrodniczymi, a w szczególności chemią. Z czasem rozwijała swoje zainteresowania wykonując różnego rodzaju doświadczenia. W wolnym czasie uwielbia czytać kryminały, grać na gitarze i wędrować po górach.

Witold Gajewski

Witold Gajewski jest rozgrywającym drużyny futbolu amerykańskiego Patrioci Poznań oraz uczniem Patronackiej Klasy Medycznej. Fascynuje się nawykami, ich wpływem na życie i sport. Oprócz sportu bardzo interesuje go chemia.

Organizing team


Poznań, Poland